DRDO Hands Over Medium Range Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket

DRDO handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) to the Indian Navy at a ceremony held in New Delhi on June 26, 2024....

DRDO handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) to the Indian Navy at a ceremony held in New Delhi on June 26, 2024.

DRDO Hands Over Medium Range Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket

DRDO handed over the Medium Range-Microwave Obscurant Chaff Rocket (MR-MOCR) to the Indian Navy at a ceremony held in New Delhi on June 26, 2024. Microwave Obscurant Chaff (MOC), a niche technology developed by DRDO’s Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, obscures radar signals and creates a microwave shield around platforms and assets, thus reducing radar detection.

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The Phase-I trials of MR-MOCR were successfully conducted from Indian Navy ships, demonstrating the MOC cloud blooming and being persistent in space. In Phase-II trials, the Radar Cross Section (RCS) reduction of an aerial target to the extent of 90 per cent has been demonstrated and cleared by the Indian Navy. Special types of fibres, with a diameter of a few microns and unique microwave obscuration properties, have been assembled in the medium-range chaff rocket.

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Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh has complimented DRDO and the Indian Navy on the successful development of MR-MOCR. He termed the MOC technology as another step towards achieving Aatmanirbharta in defence.

The MR-MOCR has been handed over by Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman DRDO Dr Samir V Kamat to Director General of Naval Armament Inspection, Indian Navy Rear Admiral Brijesh Vashistha. The DRDO Chairman congratulated the Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur team for this significant achievement. The Director General of Naval Armament Inspection, Indian Navy also applauded the efforts of DRDO for indigenously developing this strategically-important technology in a short span of time.


DRDO was established in 1958 after combining Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) of the Indian Army and the Directorate of Technical Development & Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science Organisation (DSO).

Mission of DRDO

Design, develop and lead to production state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems, platforms and allied equipment for our Defence Services.

Latest Developments by DRDO

Extreme Cold Weather Clothing System (ECWCS)


Controlled Aerial Delivery System.

Pinaka Extended Range (Pinaka-ER) Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS).

Supersonic Missile Assisted Torpedo System (SMART).

Advanced Chaff Technology.

Akash-NG & MPATGM.

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Picture of Divyanshu Pandey

Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

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