Union public service commission conducts NDA exam twice a year to select the students for National Defence Academy. More than 300000 candidates take this written exam in each sitting and around 9000 candidates qualify this exam and are subsequently called for SSB interview. Many candidates who have written NDA exam recently are looking for NDA exam cut off marks. In this post, we are publishing the NDA 2 2015 cut off marks based on the past trend of NDA exam cut off marks.
Previous Years NDA Â Cut off Marks(2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014)
NDA-1 (Max Marks:900)
NDA-2 (Max Marks:900)
 348 |  368 |
Expected NDA 2 2015 Cut Off Marks 
The expected cutoff for NDA 2015 would be around 320 out of 900.
NDA Exam Mathematics Cut Off Marks 2015 – 2016
As per the UPSC one has to score at least 30% of the maximum marks in NDA exam mathematics paper to clear the exam. If you do not score 30% marks in mathematics paper irrespective to your total score in NDA exam, you will be considered as failed. NDA exam mathematics cut off mark is 30% of 300 i.e. 90 marks. So candidates need to score 90 marks out of 300 marks to clear NDA exam sectional cut off for Mathematics.
NDA Exam General Ability Test Cut Off Marks 2015 – 2016
NDA exam general ability test, candidates need to score minimum marks as per UPSC to clear the NDA exam. Cut off marks for NDA exam general ability test is 30% of 600 marks. General ability test consist of 600 marks in which candidates need to score 180 marks to clear the NDA exam. So candidates need to score 180 marks out of 600 marks to clear NDA exam sectional cut off for General ability test.
NDA 2 2015 Selection Process
- Candidates who clears the NDA 2 2015 cut off marks and also NDA 2 2015 sectional cut off marks will get a call letter for SSB interview.
- Candidates are clears the NDA 2 2015 cut off marks for more than two services like for both Army and Air force, he will get an SSB call letter only once for the service he opted as priority one.
- Candidates who clear the SSB Interview for Army, Navy or Air Force will go for a week long medical examination.
- Air Force candidates will also go for PABT/CPSS test for flying. Candidates who failed in PABT/CPSS test won’t be able to join the Air Force through NDA and might get a chance to join the Army if interested.
- Candidates who find temporary unfit in the medical exam will be a given a month time to reappear in the medical exam.
- Candidates who clear their SSB, PABT and Medical have to wait for the NDA 2 2015 Final merit list.
37 thoughts on “Expected NDA 2 2015 Cut Off Marks”
Sir kya 400 marks lane par nda written clear pakka hai please reply please reply
Yesss……but u have to score the average markings in both the subjects…Maths and general ability…..
Sir what is meaning of subect in the cutt off marks at least 30 percent in each subject ??
It means we have to score 30 per in english also ??
Sir i am getting 150 in mathmatics and 227 in gat. Is there is any chance?? Please reply
sir i am getting 130 in Maths and 164 in English and remaining 235 in GAT will I be able to clear NDA written exam which was held on 17th April 2016
in nda entrance exam how many marks obtain in english section will qualify entrance exam please say
marks have not declared for nda 2 2015, but how the above candidates are knowing their marks
Hello sir
I am scoring 163 marks in maths and 253 marks in gat ……..my total being 416 r there any chance for me clearing the written exam
y u telling lie
it seems to b the u behave like a innocent boy.
i got 745 marks in wriitten.kk
shut up idiot
Sir is it necessary to get 30% marks in english
I am getting 214 marks in maths and 178 in paper 2 would there any chance. …….
Sir i ll get around 83 marks in maths and 280 in gat will i be able to clear upsc
?are there any chances of clearing?
sir! please tell me that 30% marks in each subject . it means that 30% marks in english paper also or 30% in only math and GTO. PLEASE SIR!…
in each paper
Sir ,
I am scoring around 90-95 marks in maths and 350-400 in gat !!!
What are my chances ????
And was this years maths paper comparitively tougher than those of the previous years!!???
In Maths score is a bit low you have to clear individual cut off of both Math and GAT
Sir, I am scoring 125 in maths and 250 in GAT would I be able to make it to Ssb in Nda 2 2015
Sir I am getting 110 in maths nd 260 in GAT …..sir as stated on other sites and acc to the opinions of my mates who gave the paper…I think that NDA 2 2015 maths paper’s difficulty level was above average.
Sir i am scoring 75 marks in maths and 300 in gat will i be able to clear the written exam
Sir I am getting a total of 350 or 360….r there any chances of me clearing the test..?
Nd sir based on ur review ..do u think that the maths paper was tough..?
You have to see sectional cut off too along ith total marks, and math paper for last NDA exam has same level of difficulty of the past few years of NDA exam.
Sir I got 160 marks in maths and around 150 in gat ……..is there any chance??////
sir i got 288 in GAT and 42.5 in MATHS is there any chance as i scored 330.5 total ??????
30 percent minimum marks is to be scored in each section.
I have given the paper ii..when the results will be announced plzzz tell me..ashutosh sir…i want to serve my country…plzz tell me the cutoff also..!!!
USPC is going to publish the NDA 2 2015 result in Dec 2-3rd week mostly.
I have given the paper ii..when the results will be announced plzzz tell me..ashutosh sir…i want to serve my country…
i am getting 92 marks in maths and 205 marks in 2 paper ….is there any chance??
Marginally you can make it
well,anyone can tell me what would be the cutt off for nda (II) 2015?????????????????
Im getting 102 marks in maths & in gat 224…total 326 out of 900… Would I be clear nda written,kindly tell me so tht I can prepare ssb…
I am getting 170.5 marks in maths and in paper 2 320 out of 600 would i clear the nda written exam………………..please tell me
I am getting 125.55 marks in math & in paper 2 I get 260 marks
would I clear the written exam kindly tell me
so I can prepare next exam ssb. sir tell me what I can do to crack ssb interview or exam tell me please.
i am getting 105 in maths and 310 in paper2
what is the probability?!
Sir i m scoring total 245 marks would i be clear nda 2 2015
I am geting 133.33 marks in maths
I.e 44.4% marks
In paper 2
313 out of 600.
And total of 446.33out off 900 I.e 49.59%..
Would I be clear NDA written kindly tell me so that I can prepare for nda ssb
Good Chances