6 GTO Tasks Colour And General Rules The SSB Aspirants Must Know

The third and fourth day is full of exciting physical activity for the candidates in any SSB. After taking their breakfast as early as 0600...


The third and fourth day is full of exciting physical activity for the candidates in any SSB. After taking their breakfast as early as 0600 hours the candidates are rushed to the GT grounds by the armed forces personnel responsible for their activities. The candidates are briefed by the Group Testing Officer about all outdoor activities. Group tests do not require specialized individual skills on your part as logical thinking and coordinated team efforts to receive and give suggestions are what is looked at by assessors. The battery of GTO tests consists of nine tests/ tasks.

GTO Task

GTO testing determines major conclusions and assessment about any candidate and that’s why they get excited as it involved group activities based on group dynamics and of course, adrenaline rush. GTO tasks are different than other two testing techniques as here the candidate will bring out his true self through a series of activities where he will be put to pressure with or without his group and also his reasoning and logical ability will be put on a test. The leadership qualities will show in confirmatory tasks and his practicality will be assessed.

You will be with your group for 2 days and even after the testing hours and that’s why it is necessary to maintain a good group dynamics to ensure cooperativeness. You should be able to positively influence your group members and look sharp in front of GT officer. It is necessary to remain active, agile yet firm in certain terms which will enhance your performance and will boost your confidence.

The rules of the obstacle series that are applicable in HGT, FGT, GOR, IO, and CT are some basic rules to follow and are given below which will help the candidates to eradicate mistakes and go through the tasks easily.

Rules of the Task
1. Rule Of Colour – The structures are painted in different colours viz Red, Yellow, and White.

• White – Both the person and helping material can use this structure. White structures can be used by both candidates as well as helping material.

• Yellow/Blue – The person can stand on this structure but he cannot place the helping material on the structure coloured yellow. Blue/Yellow structures can be touched by the candidates, but not by the material. (Make sure that while standing on the blue structure, you can hold the helping material, but you can’t touch the helping material with the coloured structure.)

• Red – Both the candidate and the helping material should not touch the obstacle. All structures painted in red are not to be touched by man as well as the material.

2. Out Of Bound Area – The areas in the PGT which should not be touched are called out of bound areas. These areas include the mud surfaces and the colour code mentioned above.

3. Rule Of Rigidity – This rule states that no two rigid helping material like a phatta and a balli can be tied together. Instead, the helping material can be tied with a structure such as a phatta with a rope or a balli with a rope. Ground tasks normally have phattas and ballis as rigid helping material. So according to the rule, 2 phattas, 2 Balli or a phata or a balli can’t be tied together. Rather, they can be put one on others or can tie them with the structure (keeping the colour rule in mind.)

4. Rule Of Infinity – The rule of infinity describes that the starting and finish lines are extended to the infinity on both the side. This rule prohibits the candidates to cross the obstacle ground from the side and reaching the finish line. You have to cross the obstacles and reach the finish line. The group cannot pass these lines.

5. Rule Of Group And Load– The entire group along with the last person, helping material and load must move ahead in unison at any point in time through the entire course of the obstacle. No men should be left behind is the basic motto of this statement. Group rule is the most important rule that candidates must follow while attempting ground tasks like PGT, HGT and FGT. Snake race also has its usage. The rule implies the unity of the group i.e. the entire group will cross the single obstacle together and once the group has cleared the obstacle, they can move to the next one. The rule is made to check some of the qualities of the candidates like unity, coordination with the group and whether the candidate is selfish or not.

6. Rule Of Distance – It states that no distance greater than four feet can be jumped. The gap more than four feet has to bridge using the helping materials to shorten the distance and the less distance can be jumped, of course. Just cross it by bridging the gap using helping material. Take a rough estimate of 4 feet and judge yourself. Don’t ask the GTO again and again about the distance.

Some other rules to follow while attempting the ground tasks are as follows:
1. The first rule that every SSB aspirant must know is to follow the rules stated by the assessors. Stick to the rule and follow them.. Rules must always revolve in your mind.

2. Don’t speak or act more and never stay calm all the time. Be an optimum speaker and give chance to other candidates in speaking and attempting ground tasks. Supporting others’ plan shows a cooperative nature. Help them in arranging the plan. If someone seems to be an introvert in GD, give them a chance to speak up their ideas or views.

3. Don’t try to steal glances at the assessors while doing any tasks in GTO. Concentrate on the task and don’t bother about what GTO is observing or writing. Many candidates try to see assessors while discussing or while performing the ground task. This shows a lack of focus and confidence and an attempt to impress GTO. Concentrate on your tasks and focus on new ideas and points to get the group to you.

4. Whenever you are briefed about the next task, listen to it carefully. Whether you are a fresher or repeater, listen to it and make a mind map of it. Sometimes the solution of the tasks is hidden in the instructions and following the instruction shows your discipline.

5. The group which you have got for GTO is your responsibility. While performing the ground task, make sure that the entire group moves in a parallel way. Moving individually is non-cooperative. Your ultimate aim must be to take the group to the other side by arranging and giving plans.

6. The group has candidates with various moods and behaviours, so it will be better to stay away from conflicts and differences. Cooperate and support everybody and keep the mind calm and cool. Maintain optimum group dynamics.

You can prepare for defence entrance exams such as NDA, AFCAT, INET, and CDS by taking Written Online courses as they will not only give you access to full-length quality lectures but will also provide the facility to take standardized mock tests for better study and strategic growth in the exam. You can take multiple quizzes after each lesson to ensure the full understanding of the subject along with creating your customized lesson plans. You can check out the course content along with other important specifics at SSBCrackExams.

You can also access them through the SSBCrackExams app available in the google play store. Jai Hind

Picture of Arun Singh

Arun Singh

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Advocates for logic and rationale, a beginner in trekking, a poet at heart, cleared a few CDSE and AFCATs, went to a few SSBs and pursuing MBA.

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