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Top 10 Habits That Set Soldiers Apart

The famous words of Erich Maria Remarque, “No soldier outlives a thousand chances. But every soldier believes in Chance and trusts his luck,” capture the essence of what it means...

habits of soldiers

The famous words of Erich Maria Remarque, “No soldier outlives a thousand chances. But every soldier believes in Chance and trusts his luck,” capture the essence of what it means to serve in the military. A military service member is distinct, a product of rigorous training and deep-set traditions. While many of them endeavor to blend into a crowd, their unique habits and distinct body language give them away. Let’s delve deeper into these distinguishing habits that make soldiers truly exceptional.

1. Unwavering Politeness: One of the most instantly noticeable traits of a soldier is their impeccable politeness. Terms of respect like “sir” and “ma’am” are deeply ingrained in their vocabulary. Whether they’re addressing a high-ranking officer or a civilian, the level of respect remains consistent. This practice is rooted in the fundamental discipline that the military instills.

2. Signature Haircuts: The military is synonymous with discipline and this extends to personal grooming as well. The quintessential crew cut sported by most personnel isn’t just a style; it’s a statement of order, uniformity, and dedication. Even after years of service, many veterans continue to maintain this sharp look.

3. Sunglasses as Standard Gear: Almost a fashion statement by now, the military personnel’s propensity to don sunglasses – even when the sun isn’t shining – has become an emblematic habit. While it might seem peculiar to outsiders, for many soldiers, it’s second nature.

4. Purposeful Stride: Ever notice someone walking swiftly, with purpose, almost as if every step has been premeditated? Chances are, you’re observing a military individual. Whether they’re heading to an official briefing or simply grocery shopping, their brisk walk exudes confidence and intent.

5. Commanding Posture: Standing tall and assertive isn’t just a stance; it’s a lifestyle choice for military personnel. Their posture, often dubbed the ‘power stance,’ commands attention and respect, often making one feel they are in the presence of a leader.

6. Military Jargon: The military has its own lexicon, filled with terms and phrases that are integral to their communication. Phrases like “Roger” may seem out of place in casual conversation to a civilian, but they’re a part of daily communication for someone from the military.

7. Vigilant Observation: Ever been in a crowd and felt someone’s gaze scanning and observing meticulously? Soldiers are trained to be vigilant, to spot anomalies, and to assess situations. This level of alertness often spills into civilian settings, making them highly observant.

8. Ability to Sleep Anywhere: The unpredictable and demanding nature of military service has conditioned soldiers to grab rest whenever and wherever possible. Whether it’s a sandy desert, a noisy transport vehicle, or a quiet room, a soldier can adapt and fall asleep. Yet, when duty calls, they’re also trained to snap into action immediately.

9. Punctuality Is Paramount: Time is of the essence in military operations. For a soldier, being late isn’t an option. If they commit to being somewhere at 1800 hours, it’s more likely they’ll arrive at 1755 rather than 1805. This punctuality translates to their civilian life as well.

10. Unmatched Determination and Courage: Perhaps the most awe-inspiring trait of all is the soldiers’ unwavering determination and courage. Every task, regardless of its scale, receives their utmost dedication. Their indomitable spirit not only gets the job done but also serves as inspiration to many around them.

In conclusion, while uniforms, flags, and nationalities may differ, the spirit of a soldier remains constant. Their unwavering commitment to their nation and their exceptional habits make every soldier a paragon of discipline and dedication.

  • Comment (4)
  • I think one or two small points left to be covered. Give respect to seniors age old persons everywhere. Loves family all members take full care. Sensitive enough, can’t bear any type of insult. Expects very little due respect. Whatever promise if committed then abides words given at all cost.

  • I think one or two small points left to be covered. Give respect to seniors age old persons everywhere. Loves family all members take full care. Sensitive enough, can’t bear any type of insult. Expects very little due respect. Whatever promise if committed then abides words given at all cost.

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