How Many Maternity Leave Days Do Women Officers Receive in the Indian Army?

The Indian Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh, has recently announced a groundbreaking policy that grants women serving as soldiers, sailors, and air warriors in the Indian...

The Indian Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh, has recently announced a groundbreaking policy that grants women serving as soldiers, sailors, and air warriors in the Indian Army equal maternity leave rights. This progressive move reflects Minister Singh’s commitment to ensuring the inclusive participation of women across all ranks in the armed forces. The new policy aims to enhance the working conditions for servicewomen and promote a harmonious integration of their professional duties with family responsibilities.

Maternity Leave Entitlements

Under the new directive, female personnel in the military, regardless of rank, will now benefit from equal maternity leave rights. They will be entitled to 180 days of leave at full pay for up to two children. This is a significant improvement compared to the previous policy, which allowed only 135 days of maternity leave. The extended leave period recognizes the unique challenges faced by women in uniform and provides them with ample time to recover from childbirth and care for their newborns.

Maternity Leaves

Childcare Leave

In addition to maternity leave, the new policy also grants female personnel in the Indian Army childcare leave of up to 360 days throughout their service tenure. This leave can be availed if the child is under 18 years old. This provision acknowledges the importance of nurturing and raising children while serving in the military. It allows servicewomen to balance their professional responsibilities with their role as mothers.

army maternity leave

Adoption Leave

The Indian Army’s equalization policy also addresses the needs of those who choose to adopt a child. Female personnel who adopt a child under the age of one are now entitled to 180 days of leave. This provision recognizes that adoption entails similar responsibilities and adjustments as biological childbirth. It ensures that servicewomen have the necessary time to bond with and care for their newly adopted child.

Inclusion and Gender Parity

The initiative to provide equal maternity leave rights to women officers in the Indian Army is part of the government’s broader efforts to promote gender parity. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership emphasizes the harnessing of “Nari Shakti” (woman power) within the armed forces. The inclusion of women as soldiers, sailors, and air warriors is seen as a testament to their valor, commitment, and patriotic spirit in safeguarding the nation’s territories.

Women’s Achievements in the Indian Army

Women have been making significant contributions across various domains in the Indian Army. They have served in challenging environments, such as the Siachen glacier, and have been stationed on warships and in the skies. In 2019, another landmark achievement was reached when women were inducted into the Indian Army’s Corps of Military Police as soldiers. These advancements demonstrate the Indian Army’s recognition of women’s capabilities and their valuable role in the defense sector.

Minister Singh’s Vision for Gender Parity

Minister Rajnath Singh has long advocated for gender parity across all professional sectors. His commitment to equal maternity leave rights for women officers in the Indian Army aligns with his vision of a more inclusive and equitable society. By ensuring that servicewomen have the necessary support and resources, the Indian Army promotes a work environment that values both professional contributions and family responsibilities.


The Indian Army’s equalization policy for maternity leave is a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment for women officers. By granting servicewomen equal rights and opportunities, the policy recognizes their contributions and addresses the unique challenges they face. This initiative reflects the Indian Army’s commitment to gender parity and sets an example for other sectors to follow. With Minister Rajnath Singh’s leadership, the Indian Army continues to pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse defense force.

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