EKT short for Engineering Knowledge Test is conducted by Indian Air Force for B.Tech graduates to be selected in technical field, EKT is conducted along with AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) for the candidates willing to join Indian air force technical branch.
EKT Exam Scheme
Engineering Knowledge Test is a common test aimed at testing the Basic Engineering knowledge of the candidates applied for Aeronautical Engineering Courses. EKT has two parts, namely Part A – General Engineering: 40 Questions Duration: Part B – Specialist Paper for each Engineering discipline: 35 Questions : 1 hour Engineering Knowledge Test is pitched at pre-final to final year engineering level. The test consists of two parts viz General Engineering and Specialist subjects for the two streams of Technical Branches i.e Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) and Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical). The specialised papers are in Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical engineering, Electronics and Communication engineering, Electrical and Instrumentation engineering and Computer Engineering. The questions are objective type in nature and duration of test is approximately one hour. It is mandatory for the candidates to pass in both General and Specialist papers to qualify for AFSB interview.
How to Prepare for EKT Exam in 15 Days
AFCAT 2 on 24 August 2014 first introduced EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) for B.Tech graduates from EC or ECE, EE or EEE, CS or CSC, IT and Mechanical streams. The candidates who are applying for the Technical Entries through the AFCAT exam have to give this exam along with the normal AFCAT exam. Thus engineering graduates appearing for technical entry in the Air Force have to pass this test along with AFCAT.
Aspirants who attend EKT are either from college final year or working job professionals, it means for most of the appearing candidates’ preparation for EKT is not in their main curriculum since they are already occupied by the busy job working schedule or college academic schedule. As per the syllabus of EKT, topics included are from the core subjects of the engineering stream so the candidates with good strong basic knowledge of their subjects can easily pass this exam but the candidates who have remained out of practice will seek for external help in their exam preparation.
In this article we will discuss about How to Prepare for EKT Exam in 15 Days. EKT aspirants generally start their preparation just 10-15 days before the written exam:
- Prepare with SSBCrackExams:
These courses are customized to fulfil the needs of today’s EKT exam aspirants, EKT online coaching would help you to understand the concepts of EKT exam paper and the high end reporting tool helps you analyze your current standards by comparing with other defense aspirants who are writing EKT exam along with you. So, before facing the actual EKTexam you could look at your preparations and act accordingly. Having said that, this course will focus more on the questions which likely to come so there is no or less scope of failure. A daily practice (even before 15 days of the real exam) of SSBCrack Exams courses can do wonders for you and will surely help you to put extra marks in your bag.
SSBCrack Exams offering to EKT aspirants:
- EKT full Online Course
- EKT Practice Tests
- EKT based National Level Mock Tests
- High end Reports and Analysis on student performance
- Study material for EKT
Note: Soon we will be adding video tutorials on technical concepts to help candidates understand the concept in a more dynamic way.
To enrol in SSBcrack Exams, first a student has to register in SSBCrcak Exams website. There are two ways a student can register:
- Student can register through our website by providing – Username, Email id and Password. To Register Click Here
Note:- To join online EKT coaching a student a have to first sign in to portal using your registered login ID and password, once a student is logged in look in left hand side of the page and look for ” buy package ” and click on it. The test selection page will open, then the student have to select the respective choice of exam and click on “buy now”.
- Prepare from EKT previous year question papers: The more you practice the previous year questions the better you will perform in actual test, it will give an idea on the types of questions that are asked in EKT.
Sample questions from EKT EEE/ECE question paper
Q. _____is an active filter
(a) RC filter
(b) notch filter
(c) Butterworth filter
(d) band pass filter
Q. For transmission line load matching over a range of frequencies, it is best to use a
(a) Balun
(b) broadband directional coupler
(c) double stub
(d) single stub
Q. Emitter follower is used for
(a) reducing the gain
(b) increasing the distortion
(c) impedance matching
(d) none of these
Q. Binary equivalent of (45)10 is
(a) (11101)2
(b) (11110)2
(c) (101101)2
(d) (110101)2
Q. In Computer memory size K indicates Kilo, which is equal to
(a) 1000
(b) 1024
(c) 100
(d) 10000
Q. An astable multivibrator has
(a) no stable state
(b) one stable state
(c) three stable states
(d) two stable states
Q. An ideal Op Amp has .
(a) infinite input and output impedance
(b) very low input and output impedance
(c) low input impedance and very high output impedance
(d) infinite input impedance and zero output impedance
Q. An instruction used to set the carry flag in a computer can be classified as a
(a) data transfer instruction
(b) arithmetic instruction
(c) logical instruction
(d) program control instruction
Q. An FET is a
(a) bipolar semiconductor device
(b) unipolar semiconductor device
(c) non semiconductor device
(d) both (a) and (c)
Q. For Gunn diodes, semiconductor material preferred is
(a) Silicon
(b) Germanium
(c) Gallium Arsenide
(d) all of these
Q. In a JFET drain current is maximum when VGS is
(a) zero
(b) negative
(c) positive
(d) equal to Vp
Q. The output of Laser is
(a) Infrared
(b) polarised
(c) narrow beam
(d) coherent
Sample questions from EKT CSE IT question paper
Q. Which computer memory is volatile?
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(d) PROM
Q. The computer code for the interchange of information between terminals is
(b) BCD
(d) All of these
Q. Which of the following is not a sequential storage device?
(a) Magnetic disk
(b) Magnetic tape
(c) Paper tape
(d) All of these
Q. The data recording area between the blank gaps on magnetic tape is called a/an.
(a) record
(b) block
(c) field
(d) database
Q. On a systems flowchart, the online manual keeping of input data is identified by using the
(a) online storage symbol
(b) online keyboard symbol
(c) keeping operation symbols
(d) manual operation symbols
Q. An example of a hierarchical data structure is
(a) array
(b) link list
(c) tree
(d) ring
Q. Which of the following system software does the job of merging the records from two files into one?
(a) security software
(b) utility program
(c) networking software
(d) documentation system
Q. Virtual Memory
(a) is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, or pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks
(b) consists of those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution of a computation
(c) is a method of allocating processor time
(d) allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time
Q. Which is a permanent database in the general model of compiler?
(a) literal Table
(b) identifier Table
(c) terminal Table
(d) source code
Q. Operating system functions may include
(a) input/output control
(b) virtual storage
(c) multi-programming
(d) all of these
Q. Moving process from main memory to disk is called
(a) scheduling
(b) caching
(c) swapping
(d) spooling
Sample questions from EKT Mechanical question paper
Q. A bar of length ‘L’ meters extended by ‘l’ mm under a tensile force of ‘P’. Then the strain produce in the bar is
(a) l/L
(b) 0.1 l/L
(c) 0.01 l/L
(d) 0.001 l/L
Q. A rod is enclosed centrally in a tube and the assembly is tightened by rigid washers. If the assembly is subjected to a compressive load, then
(a) rod is under compression
(b) tube is under compression
(c) both rod and tube are under compression
(d) tube is under tension and rod is under compression
Q. The shear force and bending moment are zero at the free end of a cantilever beam, if it carries a
(a) Point load at the free end
(b) Point load at the middle of its length
(c) Uniformly distributed load over the whole length
(d)None of the above
Q. The moment of resistance of a balanced reinforced concrete beam is based on the stresses in
(a) Steel only
(b) Concrete only
(c) Steel and concrete both
(d) None of the above
Q. In a flange coupling, the figures are coupled together by means of
(a) Bolts and nuts
(b) Studs
(c) Headless taper bolts
(d) Al of the above
Q. A transmission shaft includes
(a) Counter shaft
(b) Line shaft
(c) Over head shaft
(d) All of the above
Q. A locking device in which the bottom cylindrical portion is recessed to receive the tip of the locking set screw, is called
(a) castle nut
(b) jam nut
(c) ring nut
(d) sawn nut
- In a venturiflume, the flow takes place at
(a) atmospheric pressure
(b) gauge pressure
(c) absolute pressure
(d) none of the above
Q. The total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessel completely filled up with a liquid is
(a) directly proportional to (radius)2
(b) inversely proportional to (radius)2
(c) directly proportional to (radius)4
(d) inversely proportional to (radius)4
Q. When the Mach number is more than 6, the flow is called
(a) subsonic flow
(b) sonic flow
(c) supersonic flow
(d) hyper sonic flow
- Prepare form Books: There are few books available in the market that will help you in your preparation of EKT exam.
- Mechanical Engineering books for EKT: Arihant’s Crack GATE / IES / PSUs and Other Competitive Exams with Mechanical Engineering book is one of the best book for Engineering Knowledge Test preparation.
- Books for electrical and electronics stream of EKT: Handbook Series of Electrical Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering book by arihant are best books to study for EKT exam.
- EKT Book for Computer Science Engineering Stream: Computer Science and IT : Crack GATE / IES / PSUs and Other Competitive Exams book is suggested for CSE stream students who are going to appear in the Engineering Knowledge Test.
5 thoughts on “How to Prepare for EKT Exam in 15 Days”
Is EKT EEE with AFCAT course available ? I am not able to find it out
Is EKT mechanical course online available?
If yes, then pls tell me how much will it cost along with afcat main exam and separately??
Pls..time is running out…
AFCAT CELL, Director of Education, West Block – VI, Air HQs(RKP), RK Puram , New Delhi – 110066
Tele: 011 – 26160286, 26160289
E – Mail: [email protected]
Tele Timings – Monday to Friday . 9 am – 1 pm & 2 pm – 5.00 pm
sir i have chosen ekt subject as ECE but in admit card i got computer ad ekt subject if i clear the exam then it create any problem plzzzzx replyyy
AFCAT CELL, Director of Education, West Block – VI, Air HQs(RKP), RK Puram , New Delhi – 110066
Tele: 011 – 26160286, 26160289
E – Mail: [email protected]
Tele Timings – Monday to Friday . 9 am – 1 pm & 2 pm – 5.00 pm