How To Prepare for MNS Exam from 10th Class?

The Indian army has its department of nursing, which is known as Military Nursing Services (MNS). The female aspirants who seek to serve the nation...

How To Prepare for MNS Exam from 10th Class

The Indian army has its department of nursing, which is known as Military Nursing Services (MNS). The female aspirants who seek to serve the nation through joining the Indian army can be a part of MNS. In simple words, it is the only gateway for the female after 12the class to enter into the Indian army. 

The Directorate General of Medical Services – DGMS (Indian Army) conducts the MNS exam. 

The Indian Army B.Sc. Nursing 2022 examination is going to be held for 220 sets offered by six armed forces’ hospitals in India. This exam is specially conducted for women to give them an opportunity to serve the nation. 

This exam is divided into three parts, basically online exam, interview and medical examination. There are some eligibility criteria that news to be fulfilled by the candidates before applying for the MNS exam, like the age criteria and nationality. 

Candidates who pass the online exam are then invited for the interview process, after which the selected candidates go through the final stage, which is the medical examination.Around 30 to 40 thousand candidates apply for the MNS exam every year out of which only 200-300 are selected depending upon the vacancy.

Cracking the  MNS exam on the first attempt is not easy. But we got you covered here. With the right strategy and planning, the candidates can crack the MNS exam on the first attempt. Read the article till the end to know how to prepare for the MNS exam from class 10! Get a detailed idea of the tips and tricks that can be used to ace the MNS exam gracefully. 

How to prepare for the MNS Exam?

  1. Know the MNS Exam Syllabus

The syllabus is the most important thing that should be understood firstly by the candidates in order to start preparing for the MNS exam. The better, the candidate understands the syllabus, the better there are chances for them to crack the exam. 

Understanding the syllabus gives an advantage to the candidates, as they won’t waste their time reading topics that are out of the syllabus. 

There are three sections in the MNS exam which are General English, General Intelligence and Science. The MNS recruitment authority releases the notification every year mentioning the syllabus, which should be read by the candidates preparing for it. 

  1. Know the MNS Exam Pattern 

After the MNS syllabus, the exam pattern is the second most essential thing the candidate must go r through. One of the key aspects to crack any exam is to have a command over its exam pattern. Time management, answer writing skills and knowledge about the question pattern are important for the candidate to know before appearing in the MNS exam 2022. There are some points that need to be remembered about the MNS exam pattern, which is written below:-

  1. The MNS exam is divided into three sections man=inly General English, General Intelligence and Science. 
  2. The mode of the paper is Online.
  3. It is a computer-based test.
  4. It consists of 150 questions in total.
  5. The total time duration is 90 minutes. 
  6. One mark is awarded to every correct answer.

Note:- there is no negative marking for wrong answers. 

  1. Make a realistic timetable

The timetable helps the candidates to manage their time. It helps them in dividing their time quietly among the topics. A good timetable is one that gives enough time to the candidates to manage their preparation alongside their daily activities. 

Candidates should go for a balanced timetable rather than a rigid one or flexible one and give enough time to each topic. Overall, the timetable is a must for the candidates who are preparing for the MNS exam.

  1. Get the prescribed MNS Exam Online Cocohing or Course
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What you’ll learn in MNS Exam Online Course?

  • Watch 5000+ detailed topicwise video lectures for MNS Exam General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, English, General Sciences, Current Affairs.
  • Read 5000+ detailed topicwise lesson plans which include MINDMAPS, Shortcuts, Tips & Tricks, Detailed Formulas & Theories,
  • Learn to solve 5000+ MNS Exam Sample Q&A
  • Take 10000+ quiz topicwise, with SMART analytics to improve your score in MNS exam
  • Become proficient with MNS General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Current Affairs topics
  • Crack MNS exam with greater ease, faster speed and with more accuracy
  • Develop new ways to think and improve overall IQ & intelligence level
  • Improve your MNS score by 90%


Join the Indian Army & serve the nation with Smile! Crack MNS Exam with our complete MNS course package designed by our best tutors & get a chance to make your country proud.

The Indian Military Nursing Services is a part of Armed Forces Medical Services of the Indian Army. MNS invites applications from FEMALE CANDIDATES (only) for admission to 4 years B Sc. (Nursing) Course at Colleges of Nursing of Armed Forces Medical Services. Candidates are awarded admission in Colleges of Nursing based on the merit cum choice, subject to medical fitness and the vacancies in each College.

The MNS written exam usually is comprised of 3 Sections – Section I (General English – 50 Marks), Section II (General Sciences – 50 Marks) & Section III (General Knowledge & Reasoning – 50 Marks) with 90 minutes duration for the MNS paper. The questions that come for the MNS exam are usually of a moderate to advanced level, making it quite a challenging exam to crack. This course constructed by SSBCrackExams is, therefore, designed according to the standard of knowledge & expertise expected from the qualifying candidate.

With 5000+ video lectures & 10000+ practice sets, this course aims to deliver to the students strong content & detailed explanation on complex topics from General Knowledge, Logical Reasoning, English, General Sciences, Current Affairs. This all-inclusive course, therefore, prepares a candidate with all the necessary requirements for acing higher scores in the written test & pursue their dreams.

Start now with enrolling for the course & transform your lives like many others, with SSBCrackExams.

  1. Solve mock tests

Mock tests are a way to speed up your preparation. Candidates should attempt mock tests as it helps them in getting command and confidence in giving the exam. 

Many sites provide online coaching of MNS exams with mock tests. The candidates should attempt mock tests a month or two before the actual exam. While giving the mock tests, the candidates should attempt it like an actual exam, following all the rules such as time limitations. 

  1. Focus more on general English 

The MNS paper is conducted in the English language. So, the candidates must build a solid background in the English language. Basic general English is a must for the candidates to understand and attempt the MNS exam. So, the candidates should focus on general English.

Additionally, it is one of the sections in the MNS exam, which is why this is very important also. 

  1. Solve previous year question papers

Just like mock tests, the previous year question papers help the candidates in getting command over the MNS exam. Previous year question paper helps the candidates in analysing their mistakes and loopholes in their performance. Also, Solving the MNS previous year question paper helps the candidates’ un gaining confidence which improves the performance in the actual exam also. Candidates should solve 10-15 MNS previous year question papers.

  1. Revise the contents on a timely basis

Revision is always a good deal when it comes to preparing for any competitive exam. One must revise the contents thoroughly on a timely basis. This helps the candidates in remembering the little details and information which can be easily forgotten in normal cases. 

The revision also strengthens the preparation, as there is no benefit in reading contents and forgetting them after some days. That information needs to be expelled nicely in the actual exam, and that is done through revision. 


So, here in this article, we have looked at ways to prepare for the MNS exam. Knowing the syllabus, the exam pattern, getting the right books, revision and other aspects together make a perfect strategy for the preparation of the MNS exam. 

Serious Candidates who are aspiring to sit for the MNS exam in 2022 must start solving the mock tests and previous year question papers, as this is the right time to evaluate one’s preparation. For those who are aspiring to attempt the MNS exam in 2023, it is time to start making the timetable and planning on how to prepare for the MNS exam with the above strategies in mind. 

Cracking the MNS exam is tough but not impossible. With the right direction and strategy, candidates can crack the MNS exam on the first attempt. 

For more such articles, follow the SSBCrackExams. You can also write us your query through our mail ID, which is [email protected]. 

How to prepare for the MNS Exam?

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Picture of Mausami Sharma

Mausami Sharma

Intern at SSBCrackExams. An avid reader, UPSC aspirant and a curious defence aircraft researcher. Pursuing my Interest in global politics and diplomatic studies.

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