How To Tackle The Obstacle Tasks Such As PGT, HGT, CT And FGT In GTO Testing

The third and fourth day is full of exciting physical activity in the Group Testing Grounds. The candidates will be briefed by the Group Testing...

The third and fourth day is full of exciting physical activity in the Group Testing Grounds. The candidates will be briefed by the Group Testing Officer in the morning about all outdoor activities. The primary concern here is to see how you will face the obstacles and the tasks allotted to you and your attitude towards other members of the group both while working with them and while directing them.

Group tests do not require specialised individual skills on your part, logical thinking, coordinated team efforts; workability to receive and give suggestion is what is looked at by assessors. You will be provided with Sketch Board, Ladders, Ropes, Planks and other such things as your tools to help you in the assigned task. You are given a few minutes to form a plan and thereafter execute the task within the given timeframe.

Let’s discuss the rules that aren’t said but yet comes under the unsaid purview of GTO Testing.

• Never look at the G.T.O while doing the tasks as it may give him the impression that you want to steal the limelight or trying desperately to impress him by diversionary tactics. Another unsaid rule the many successful candidates have followed is to give a workable idea to the group without any hesitation and you should take lead, if necessary, to implement that idea if others in front aren’t able to do that.

• If you don’t know any idea then just help the idea givers truthfully without making unnecessary noise and shouting under the pretext of actively involved. Remember, your skills and ideas will speak for yourself but that doesn’t mean that you will have to be quite either – speak and explain whatever you are doing in a clear voice to your fellow group members.

• Rule violation is observed very minutely and the GTO penalises the groups who severely breaks them. Keep all the rules in your mind and repeat the task in IO and GOR while clear the obstacle from the starting point.

• You will have to be an active participant throughout all the tasks and standing at one side while carrying the load or just pitching in ideas won’t work. Whether it is PGT, HGT or FGT, your enthusiasm should be top-notch even when the task is easy.

• When you have an idea regarding clearing an obstacle and you are working on it and it is taking some time, then you should take consideration of other member ideas if it is finer than yours. Be positive and assertive in your views.

• It is for you to become the leader of the Group by stepping up in the need. An avenue for leadership is opened to you and you must make use of it. Practical intelligence, dashing spirit, sociability, influencing nature and of course your personal charisma will make you the leader by holding good group dynamics.

• Always have a gentle smile at your face throughout the GTO Tasks which shows that you are confident and be gentle and polite while behaving with other group members. You should make healthy competitors and not enemies.

• If you have no idea of tackling the obstacle, be a faithful follower and if your group is caught in an obstacle, make use of the Golden opportunity and explain a constructive plan to negotiate the obstacle. Remember; never try to impose yourself to the group. Let the group be depended on you.

Let’s discuss Command Task as it needs specific input being the task where a single candidate assumes the role of a commander:

• While the GTO is explaining the task, listen to him carefully and clarify the doubts on the spot as you may not be allowed to ask anything after commencing the task.

• You can spend one or two minutes to form a broad plan while your subordinates are on the way. Use your common sense and think of a logical solution for the task that involves minimal hard work and optimal smart work.

• Never allow nervousness to overpower you as your intelligence shall not work properly when you are nervous. Keep your calm even when the GTO is pressurizing you or doubting your abilities.

• Be judicious in the selection of your subordinates. They will be the ones who will be helping you to finish the job. As you have spent a few days with your group, you have the chance to know the weakness and strength of each group member. Utilise that chance to know your group members and observe their performance on the first day of GTO Testing.

• Make your subordinates stand in a line and explain the allotted task, your plan and materials at your disposal as soon as they arrive and then set to work immediately.

• If you are stuck somewhere while doing the command task, you can ask suggestions of your subordinates only when you feel that you have exhausted yourself of any workable ideas, but you may have to lose some marks as GTO expects a commander to come up with a solution by himself.

• If you find that your subordinates are not doing the task according to your directions, ask them politely to follow your instructions and don’t be harsh them or shout upon them. Remember, they are your subordinates in just one task other than that they are your fellow group members.

• If you feel that your plan will not work well, you have to change it but not before evaluating all the existing solutions. Changing plans frequently is also looked down by the GTO. Be logical and systematic.

• Do not be harsh and rude to your subordinates. You may encourage those who are cooperating and working well and should lend your hand in hard work such as tying some knots or bridging across the obstacle.

• Do not get nervous. Be cheerful and optimistic about your success and have confidence in your planning.

• GTO might increase the level of difficulty by asking you not to consider some structures or changing the colour code or by removing some subordinates. He may ask for multiple solutions from different sides of the task.

• When you are subordinate, show maximum cooperation and loyalty. Command task is to assess the common sense of a candidate and his ability to give commands. He also evaluates the candidate’s ability to work under stress by increasing difficulty.

This task is used by the GTO to change some of his former assumptions about a candidate and to know each candidate in detail.

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