Importance Of PIQ Form In SSB Interview and Sample Questions

Jai Hind future warriors, today we are going to discuss about the importance of PIQ in SSB Interview and some sample questions related to PIQ...

Importance Of PIQ Form In SSB Interview and Sample Questions

Jai Hind future warriors, today we are going to discuss about the importance of PIQ in SSB Interview and some sample questions related to PIQ in personal interview.

PIQ that is Personal Information Questionnaire is given to candidates who clear the stage-1(Screening Day). Candidates are required to fill 3 copies of the same PIQ form, as each of it is then handed over to the respective assessors (Psychologist, Interviewing Officer and GTO).

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Importance of PIQ in Psych

The Psychologist analyses your complete background relating to your level of education, participation in extra-curricular events and all other columns. As you are not physically present to him he will form a mental picture about your casual attitude by looking at the way you fill the columns, cuttings, etc. And then see whether your responses are coherent with what you wrote in TAT, WAT, SRT and SD, to see whether they all are genuine or you are just creating snow clouds.

Importance of PIQ in GTO

GTO also uses the PIQ to see the coherence between your performance and what you wrote. Like you write that you were the captain of a team but during the group tasks you are not able to contribute in the group tasks/get angry unnecessarily or you wrote that you were an athlete but have a shambolic performance in the individual obstacles.

Sample PIQ Form

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Sample PIQ Form

Importance of PIQ in Personal Interview

Your PIQ mostly will steer your interview like if there is a difference in marks in 10th and 12th or any gap year, that creates many questions in itself. Its trivial to give the importance of every column here. Best would be that you fill the form yourself, and then keep making the questions of it, then analyze your responses to create more counter questions. This is the most generic form of self-introspection for SSB preparation

Sample Questions

  1. Tell me something about your city.
  2. Who all are in your family, who are you closest to and why?
  3. Why was there a dip in your marks?
  4. What were the competitive exams you have appeared and your performance in them?
  5. Why did you take a drop year?
  6. How did you cope with change in your lifestyle from school to hostel?
  7. Why did you do B.SC and not opted for B.Tech a more lucrative option?
  8. How do you think your education will be helpful for the Army?
  9. How do you maintain your fitness?
  10. How do you spend your pocket money?
  11. Why are you not working anywhere?
  12. Why haven’t you even done an internship anywhere?
  13. Why did you not join the NCC?
  14. What all extra-curricular activities have you participated in and what was your performance?
  15. What all sports activities have you participated in and what was your performance?
  16. (i) Why were you made the captain and what all responsibilities you took on as the captain? (ii) Why were you not made the captain if you are such a good leader as you say? How did you manage the team without captaincy?
  17. What all responsibilities have you shouldered in your life?
  18. How effectively did you think you performed your duties?
  19. Why do you want to join the defence forces?
  20. Why do you want to join the Army and not the other forces(mostly to NDA entry candidates)
  21. If you are so motivated to join the army why not join as a soldier.

Specifically for repeater

  1. Tell me something about Allahabad(city where you gave recent SSB interview in)
  2. What all preparations have you done differently this time?
  3. Why should we recommend you if already so many times SSB boards have rejected you?
  4. How was your performance different this time compared to previous SSB interviews?


 Hope this post was informative for you. For more such posts related to defence exams and SSB Interview stay tuned.

Also Read:

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SSB Interview Best Online Classes Schedule [March Batch]

1SSB Interview Online Course Introduction
2Introduction Of OIR and Practice Session I
3OIR Practice Session II
4Introduction of PPDT and Practice Session I
5PPDT Practice Session II
6Complete Screening Test Practice (OIR & PPDT)
7Overview Of Psych Test
8Introduction of TAT And Practice Session I
9Introduction of WAT And Practice Session I
10Introduction of SRT And Practice Session I
11Introduction of SDT And Practice Session I
12Complete Psych Test Practice (TAT, WAT, SRT & SDT)
13Introduction of PIQ Form And Guidance
14Introduction of Personal Interview And Discussion
15Individual Personal Interview Sessions
16Introduction of GTO And Tips
17 AIntroduction of GD And Practice Session I
17 BGD Practice Session II
18Introduction of GPE And Practice Session I
19GPE Practice Session II
20Introduction of Lecturette And Practice Session I
21Complete Overview Of SSB Interview Process & Feedback
Picture of Ashish Tiwari

Ashish Tiwari

Intern at SSBCrackExams. Maths Undergrad and Defence Aspirant, been to SSB 4 times for NDA Entry. Enjoy reading novels and playing cricket

1 thought on “Importance Of PIQ Form In SSB Interview and Sample Questions”

  1. Sir/ Madam I want to join offline classes for my ssb preparations if you have an option so please reply me soon.. Thanks.


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