Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024, Expected Cutoff, Previous year Cutoff and Merit List

The Indian Air Force Agniveer (IAF) Examination is a prestigious recruitment process that garners attention from aspiring candidates nationwide. One of the crucial aspects of...

Indian Air Force Agniveer-Mig

The Indian Air Force Agniveer (IAF) Examination is a prestigious recruitment process that garners attention from aspiring candidates nationwide. One of the crucial aspects of this examination is the determination of the cutoff marks, which serve as a threshold for candidate selection for further stages of the recruitment process. In this article, we delve into the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024, including expected cutoff, previous year cutoffs, and insights into the merit list.

Indian Air Force Agniveer

Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024

The IAF Agniveer Cut Off 2024 will be officially announced by the Indian Air Force authorities. These cutoff marks represent the minimum scores candidates must achieve to qualify for subsequent stages of the selection process. The cutoff is influenced by various factors, including the complexity of the examination, the number of available seats, and candidate performance.

As the IAF Result 2024 is expected to be released in April 2024, candidates can access the official website of the Indian Air Force to find the download link for the cutoff marks and merit list.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Expected Cut Off 2024

Candidates eagerly anticipate the announcement of the expected cutoff marks for the IAF Agniveer Examination. The official website of the Indian Air Force will provide access to the IAF Agniveer Cut Off 2024 scores along with the result. Meeting the cutoff marks is crucial for candidates to progress to subsequent stages of the recruitment process.

Below is the expected cutoff table for the IAF Agniveer Examination 2024:

CategoryAir Force Agniveer Expected Cut off
Indian Air Force Agniveer-female cadet

Candidates are advised to refer to this table to assess their chances of qualifying for the examination. However, it is essential to note that the official cutoff marks will be published on the Indian Air Force’s website.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Previous Year Cut Off

To provide candidates with valuable insights, here are the Indian Air Force Agniveer Previous Year Cut Off marks for the years 2020 and 2019:

YearCategoryPhase 1 Cut Off
2020‘X’ Group43 (Out of 70)
2020‘Y’ Group29.25 (Out of 50)
2019‘X’ Group28 (Out of 70)
2019‘Y’ Group33 (Out of 50)
Indian Air Force Agniveer-Aircraft

These cutoff scores provide valuable benchmarks for candidates to gauge their preparation level and strategize accordingly for upcoming examinations.

Factors Affecting Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut off 2024

Several significant factors influence the final determination of the Indian Air Force Agniveer Recruitment cutoff for the year 2024:

  1. Difficulty Level of the Exam: The complexity of the examination plays a crucial role in setting the cutoff marks. If the exam is particularly challenging, the cutoff may be adjusted accordingly to ensure fairness.
  2. Maximum Possible Marks: Evaluating the maximum marks scored by candidates helps in establishing a benchmark for setting cutoff marks. It aids in assessing candidates’ overall performance and potential.
  3. Number of Vacancies: The total number of vacancies announced by the Indian Air Force significantly impacts the cutoff. Limited vacancies intensify competition, leading to higher cutoff marks.
  4. Number of Candidates: The overall performance of candidates in the examination affects the cutoff. Exceptional performance by a significant number of candidates may result in a higher cutoff.
Indian Air Force Agniveer-Training

Candidates who meet the minimum Indian Air Force Agniveer 2024 cutoff requirements should prepare for the next selection round as scheduled.

IAF Merit List 2024

The final merit list for the Indian Air Force Agniveer Examination 2024 will be published on the official website of the Indian Air Force in May/April 2024. This merit list is prepared based on candidates’ performance across all stages of the examination.

To secure a place on the Merit List, candidates must strive to achieve the highest possible marks. Candidates who meet the cutoff criteria and achieve a significant rank have a higher chance of securing a position in the final merit list.

Indian Air Force Agniveer-Male cadets

How to Check IAF Cut Off 2024

After the declaration of results, candidates can follow these steps to check the IAF Agniveer Cut Off 2024:

  1. Visit the official webpage of the Indian Air Force (IAF) at
  2. Look for the drop-down menu labelled “Most Recent Announcements” on the homepage.
  3. Select the link titled “Agniveer 01/2025 Merit List or Scorecard” from the options provided.
  4. Enter your roll number or registration number on the new page.
  5. Double-check the entered details and complete the captcha. Then, click on the “Sign in” button.
  6. The Air Force Agniveer Merit List will be displayed on the screen. Save and download the list for future reference.

Candidates are advised to print multiple copies of the merit list for future reference and follow further instructions provided by the Indian Air Force authorities.

In conclusion, the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024 holds significant importance for candidates aspiring to join the Indian Air Force. It serves as a crucial criterion for candidate selection and progression in the recruitment process. Candidates are encouraged to stay updated with official announcements and diligently prepare for the examination to maximize their chances of success.


1. What is the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024?

The Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024 represents the minimum scores candidates must obtain to qualify for further stages of the selection process. It is determined based on various factors such as the complexity of the examination, the number of available seats, and candidate performance.

2. When will the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024 be announced?

The Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024 is expected to be announced along with the release of the IAF Result 2024 in April 2024.

3. What is the Expected Cut Off for the Indian Air Force Agniveer Examination 2024?

The expected cut off for the Indian Air Force Agniveer Examination 2024 varies for different categories. Generally, it ranges from 60-80 marks for various categories including ST, SC, OBC, EWS, and UR candidates.

4. How are the Expected Cut Off Marks Determined?

The expected cut off marks are determined based on various factors such as previous year cut offs, difficulty level of the exam, and overall performance of candidates. It provides candidates with an estimate of the minimum marks required to qualify for the examination.

5. What are the Previous Year Cut Off Marks for Indian Air Force Agniveer Examination?

The previous year cut off marks for Indian Air Force Agniveer Examination provide insights into the minimum marks required for selection. For example, in 2020, the cut off for ‘X’ Group was 43 out of 70 and for ‘Y’ Group, it was 29.25 out of 50.

6. How do Previous Year Cut Off Marks Help Candidates?

Previous year cut off marks help candidates assess their preparation level and strategize accordingly for upcoming exams. It gives them an idea of the competition and the minimum marks required for selection.

7. What Factors Influence the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024?

Several factors influence the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024 including the difficulty level of the exam, maximum possible marks scored by candidates, number of vacancies, and overall performance of candidates.

8. When will the IAF Merit List 2024 be published?

The IAF Merit List 2024 is expected to be published on the official website of the Indian Air Force in May/April 2024. It is prepared based on candidates’ performance across all stages of the examination.

9. How can Candidates Check the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024?

Candidates can check the Indian Air Force Agniveer Cut Off 2024 on the official website of the Indian Air Force. They need to follow the instructions provided to access the cutoff marks and download the merit list.

10. What Should Candidates Do After Checking the Cut Off Marks?

After checking the cut off marks, candidates who meet the minimum requirements should prepare for further stages of the selection process as per the scheduled timeline. It is essential to stay updated with official announcements and diligently prepare for the examination to maximize chances of success.

Picture of Gauri Agarwal

Gauri Agarwal

Dynamic HR and Content Head at SSBCrackExams. A seasoned defense enthusiast learning military strategies and technologies.

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