Indian Army NCC Recruitment 43rd Entry Scheme

Applications are invited from UNMARRIED/MARRIED male and UNMARRIED female candidates and also from the Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel, for grant of Short...

Applications are invited from UNMARRIED/MARRIED male and UNMARRIED female candidates and also from the Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel, for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army under NCC special entry scheme 43rd course Apr 2018.

Indian Army NCC Recruitment 43rd Entry Scheme

NDA 2 2017 ENTRY 67

NCC 43 Vacancies

  • NCC MEN- 50 (45 for General Category and 05 for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army personnel only).
  • NCC Women- 04 (03 for Women general category and 01 for Wards of Battle Casualties of Army personnel only).


The candidate should maintain the following requirements

  • Nationality
  1. A citizen of India.
  2. A subject of Bhutan, Nepal or a Tibetan refugee, who came to India before 1962 for permanently settling in India.
  3. A person of Indian origin, who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India
  4. For the persons belonging to category 2 and 3, there must be a certificate issued by the Government of India.
  5. Candidates who are Gorkha subject of Nepal don’t need to produce and certificate.
  • The candidate, who has been withdrawn for IMA, OTA, NDA or any service training academy, will not be eligible for it.
  • Age limit – For NCC candidates (including wards of Battle Casualties) 19 to 25 years (born not earlier than 02 Jan 93 and not later than 01 Jan 99).

Educational Qualification

(a) For NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holders.

(i) Educational Qualification:

(aa) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the years.

(ab) Those studying in final year are also allowed to apply provided they have secured minimum 50% aggregate marks in the first two/three years of three/four years degree course respectively. Such students will need to secure overall aggregate of minimum 50% marks if recommended, failing which their candidature will be cancelled. The candidates studying in the final year of graduation should complete all their examinations related to the degree, like, written, practicals, vivavoce, projects, backlogs, etc, prior to 01 Apr 2017. They should be able to produce the degree within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of training at OTA, Chennai. Such candidates will be inducted for training at OTA, Chennai on additional bond basis for recovery of the cost of training as notified from time to time as well as stipend and pay and allowances paid, in case they fail to produce the requisite degree certificate.

(ac) Candidate must attach self attested photocopies of the 10th class certificate & mark sheet, 12th class Certificate & Mark sheet, Graduation Degree with all years/semesters marks sheets and NCC ‘C’ Certificate. Candidates must also attach certificate with their applications regarding CGPA converted to aggregate percentage of marks as per university rules from their institutes.

(ii) Service in NCC : Should have served for minimum two academic years in the senior Division/Wing of NCC.

(iii) Grading: Should have obtained minimum of ‘B’ Grade in ‘C’ Certificate Exam of NCC.

(b) For Ward of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel.

(i) Educational Qualification. Degree of a recognized University or equivalent with aggregate of minimum 50% marks taking into account marks of all the years.

(ii) NCC ‘C’ certificate not required.

(iii) Apply manually as per the format of Application Form available on Official website of Rtg Dte (Downloads). Applicants under category of Wards of Battle Casualties to send their completed applications direct to Dte Gen of Recruiting/ Rtg-A, NCC Entry, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 alongwith all documents (less NCC ‘C’ Certificate) as mentioned at Para 4 (a) (i) (ac) above.

(iv) In addn to above, for wards of battle casualties the following documents are also to be attached alongwith the application form as under:

(aa) A letter to the effect that the parent has been killed/wounded / reported missing in action, issued by MP Dte/Respective Regimental Records and a copy of Part II Order notifying injuries and being classified as “Battle Casualty” in case of serving/medically boarded out pers.

(ab) Relationship Certificate issued by Respective Regimental Records / MP Dte.

(v) The vacancies under wards of battle casualties are available to wards (sons and daughters including legally adopted) of battle casualties specified as:- (aa) Killed in action. (ab) Died of wound or injuries (Other than self-inflicted) (ac) Wounded or Injured (Other than self-inflicted). (ad) Missing.

(c) Last Date of Receipt of Application in Rtg Dte for Wards of Battle Causalities is 22 Aug 2016.

Selection Procedure Of NCC Entry 2018

(a) All applications are to be forwarded to the OC, Unit from where NCC ‘C’ Certificate has been obtained. The NCC Units/Group HQs will forward the applications to State NCC Directorates who in turn will forward the same to HQ Directorate General NCC. HQ Directorate General NCC will forward the applications to Directorate General Recruiting.

(b) Thorough screening/Shortlisting/checking of applications based on eligibility/qualifications of the candidates will be carried out at each level, i.e. NCC Unit, by the NCC Directorates and by HQ DG NCC.

(c) Candidates not in receipt of call letter from any of the Selection Centres for SSB interview should presume that either their applications have been received after due date or have been found ineligible and rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Candidates after shortlisting will be detailed for SSB interview by Directorate General of Recruiting. The decision of Headquarter DG NCC and Dte Gen Rtg in Army HQ, in the matter of Shortlisting and forwarding of applications to SSBs will be final.

(d) On arrival at the Selection Centre the candidates will be administered stage-I of the two stages testing procedure. Candidates failing in stage-I will be sent back on the same day and those who qualify will be retained to undergo stage-II comprising of Group Tests, Psychological Tests and Interview which will extend for a duration of 4 days (excluding stage -I day).

(e) Candidates recommended by SSBs will be required to go through Medical Exam. Candidates who are found medically fit will be placed in order of merit as per the marks obtained in SSB interview amongst the recommended candidates. Boarding and lodging during interviews at SSBs are free. Recommendation by SSB confers no right of admission to the Officers Training Academy. The final selection will be made as per the order of merit subject to medical fitness and suitability in all other respects and number of vacancies available.

(f) The merit list of the recommended candidates will be displayed at the reception of Directorate General Recruiting and Directorate General Recruiting website i.e.

Medical Examination NCC Entry 2018

Candidates recommended by the Service Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. Women candidates recommended by Service Selection Board will undergo medical examination by a medical board of male/female doctors/Specialists/Gynecologist. However, there will be a Lady Medical Officer as member of the Medical Board for female candidates. Only those candidates will be admitted to the Academy who are declared fit by the Special Medical Board. However, the candidates declared unfit will be intimated by the President of the Special Medical Board about procedure for request for Appeal Medical Board (AMB). Candidates who are unfit may apply for Appeal Medical Board (AMB) to be completed within 42 days of SMB and may request for Review Medical Board (RMB) within 1 day of completion of Appeal Medical Board. Candidates for AMB shall automatically report to the hospital opted by them on any working day, keeping in view the time taken by postal authorities to deliver their Medical documents at the Hospital for medical examination. No call shall be given by the opted hospital and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. Candidates are advised in their own interest to appear for AMB well in time and should not wait for the last date given by the SMB. Candidates are advised to note that Recruiting Directorate has no role to play in Appeal Medical Boards; the procedure advised by medical authorities is strictly to be adhered to. The candidates will also be intimated that Review Medical Board (RMB) will be granted at the discretion of DGAFMS based on the merits of the case and that RMB is not a matter of right. Candidates will only be considered medically fit on receipt of the approved medical board proceedings from concerned medical authorities in Directorate General Recruiting.

How To Apply For NCC 2018 Entry:

(a) For NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holders Only.

(i) Applications will only be accepted online on website “”.

(iii) Open the website “”.

(iv) Click on Officers Entry ‘Apply/Login’ and then click ‘Registration.

(iv) Follow onscreen instructions for registration. Fill online Registration after reading instructions very carefully. After registration, your profile will open. Click on ‘Apply Online’ to process the application. A page ‘Officers Selection-Eligibility’ will open.

(v) Your Registration details will confirm your eligibility to apply. Click on ‘Apply’ and a page ‘Application Form’ will open. Proceed with the application as per onscreen instructions. Read onscreen instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details under various segments- personal information, communication details, Education details and Details of previous SSB. ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you proceed to the next segment.

(vi) After filling details of last segment you will move to a page ‘Summary of Information’, wherein you can check & edit entries you have made so far. Only after ascertaining the correctness of all your details click on ‘Submit’. After submitting click on ‘PDF’ and take out two copies of the application form having the Roll Number and other details generated by the system. Note :- Details once submitted will NOT be changed under any circumstance, and NO representation in this regard shall be entertained.

(vii) One copy of the print out of application form duly signed, photograph affixed and self attested alongwith all documents as mentioned at Para 4 (a) (i) (ac) above should be forwarded to the OC, NCC Unit from where NCC ‘C’ Certificate has been issued. The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for his reference and carried to the SSB.

(viii) Applications of Candidates serving in the Armed Forces, duly countersigned by Commanding Officer should be sent to the OC, NCC Unit from where NCC’ ‘C’ certificate has been issued.

(ix) All NCC Units will forward the applications to DDG, NCC of the concerned State.

(x) DDG, NCC States will process all applications and forward them to Dte Gen NCC. Dte Gen NCC will check correctness of following documents prior to forwarding them to Dte Gen of Rtg (Rtg A): –

(aa) Date of birth from class X Certificate.

(ab) 12th class certificate and mark sheet.

(ac) Degree/Provisional degree is from a University recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

(ad) Marks sheets of all years/semesters and ensure that candidate has minimum 50% marks in the aggregate, and in case of final year students, 50% marks in aggregate for two/three years of three/four years course respectively.

(ae) NCC ‘C’ Certificate with minimum ‘B’ Grading.

(xi) Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg ‘A’), Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army), reserves the right to shortlist applications on the basis of grade obtained by the candidates in NCC ‘C’ certificate examination/percentage of marks in degree examinations

(xii) Any change in your postal address, telephone Number, etc after submission of application must be communicated by post duly quoting your Roll Number, name and course opted for.


1. Please ensure correctness of your particulars while filling up online application form. No correspondence regarding amendment to particulars once filled up shall be entertained at any stage and the form shall be rejected.

2. Candidates must submit only one online application form. Receipt of more than one application form from one candidate will result in cancellation of candidature and no representation shall be entertained in this regard.

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SSBCrackExams is a premium online portal for Indian Defence aspirants, helping them to achieve their dreams of joining Indian Defence forces.

9 thoughts on “Indian Army NCC Recruitment 43rd Entry Scheme”

  1. my c certificate has not been issued till date then how can i enter my certificate no on the application form
    i had a provisional certificate ofncc c certificate obtaining b grade in it


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