Indian Military Nursing Service Entry Required Physical Standard

Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type written test of 90 minutes duration, covering General English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence. Candidates...

Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type written test of 90 minutes duration, covering General English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence. Candidates as per merit on the basis of written test will be called for interview. Final selection will be based on combined merit of written test & interview, subject to medical fitness. Admissions to Colleges of Nursing will be offered in accordance with the merit cum choice subject to vacancy in each College.

After the interview, the recommended candidates will appear for medical examination before a Special Medical Board (SMB). Candidates declared FIT/UNFIT will be informed by the President of the Medical board including the procedure of requesting for APPEAL/REVIEW MEDICAL BOARD.

Indian Military Nursing Service Entry Required Physical Standard

1. Visual Standards: The minimum acceptable standards of visual acuity are given below :-

Distant vision (corrected) – Better eye 6/6         Worse eye  6/18

Myopia of not more than minus – 5.5 D including astigmatism

Manifest hypermetropia of not more than plus 3.5 D including astigmatism.

Notes: –

(i) Fundus and Media to be healthy and within normal limits.

(ii) No undue degenerative signs of vitreous or chorioretina to be present suggesting progressive myopia.

(iii) Should have good binocular vision, fusion faculty and full field of vision in both eyes.

(iv) There should be no organic disease likely to cause exacerbations or deterioration of vision.

Field of vision – Normal in each eye as tested by confrontation test.

Colour vision – A candidate for grant of commission in Army should possess the minimum standard of CP-3 (Defective safe) at the time of joining the service.

In all cases, where glasses are worn and where a candidate is examined by an Ophthalmologist, power of lenses must be noted.

2. Height – The height of the candidates will be measured by making her stand against the standard with her feet together. The weight should be thrown on the heels and not on the toes or outer sides of the feet. She will stand erect without rigidity and the heels, calves, buttocks and shoulders touching the standard, the chin will be depressed to bring the vertex of the head level under the horizontal bar, and the height will be recorded in centimeters. Decimal fractions lower than 0.5cm will be ignored; 0.5cm will be recorded as such 0.6cm and above will be recorded as one cm. The minimum height for a women candidate is 148cm. Candidates who are otherwise fit in all respects but fall short of minimum height by 1.3 cm or less will be treated as special cases and relaxation allowed to the extent of 1.3cm. In case of candidates belonging to the North East and hilly areas like, Gorkhas, Nepalese, Assamese, Garhwalis, etc the height be relaxed by 5cm and weight commensurate with reduced height.

3. Weight The minimum acceptable weight is 39 Kg. The height and weight chart as per the age is attached in the notification.

Note: It is not possible to lay down precise standards for weight in relation to height and age. The correlation table is, therefore, only a guide and cannot be applied universally. A 10 percent departure from the average weight given in the table is to be considered within normal limits. There may nevertheless be some individual who according to the above standards, may be overweight but from the general build of the body are fit in every respect. The overweight in such cases may be due to heavy bones and muscular development and not due to obesity. Similarly, for those who are under weight, the criteria should be the general build of the body and proportionate development rather than rigid adherence to the standards, in the table

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27 thoughts on “Indian Military Nursing Service Entry Required Physical Standard”

  1. Aneeta calculate your weight in kg/ square of height in metre
    And take ratio
    Now if the value is bbetween 18.5 to 24.9 youare eligible
    Hope you understant if any query related to physical standard of mns please mail me

  2. Sir/madam
    Is it important to have all the malar sand premolars teeth because due to my braces I have to took out some of my teeth. So I’ll be selected fr the medical without them or not??

  3. Sir/madam
    Is there any second list, that will come for this MNS 2017 result or this is the final one and how many candidates are choosen per year. Is it 1119 candidates only every year that are selected.


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