All About: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi CPL Course (IGRUA)

Dear Air Warriors, As you all are familiar with the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy has age relaxation for (CPL) Holders in flying branch...

indira gandhi rashtriya uran akademi cpl course igrua

Dear Air Warriors, As you all are familiar with the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy has age relaxation for (CPL) Holders in flying branch entry.

AFCAT Flying Branch: Upper age limit for candidates holding valid and current Commercial Pilot License issued by DGCA (India) is relaxed able up to 26 years. please check out the latest notification for more information.

Indian Navy Pilot Branch: **Commercial Pilot License (CPL) Holders: Candidates having valid CPL issued by DGCA (India) is is relaxed able up to 26 years and can apply for Pilot entry as per eligibility criteria. please check out the latest notification for more information

What is Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi( IGRUA) ?

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We are going to cover how to join the CPL course and attain CPL License through Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi( IGRUA) was established by the Government of India in the year 1986 at Fursatganj Airfield, presently in the district of Amethi in Uttar Pradesh.  IGRUA is an Autonomous Body established under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and is administered by a Governing Council under the Ex-officio Chairmanship of Secretary of, Ministry of Civil Aviation. 

In line with the spirit of its establishment, IGRUA followed the philosophy of dominance through interminable betterment, disciplined training, and modern training infrastructure. IGRUA offers a training environment, superior to any other flying training institution in the country.  There is no congruence in matters relating to the fleet, maintenance, safety standards, ground training, flight training, aerodrome & training aids, instructors, and last but not least the trainees themselves.  An all India entrance examination, wombat aptitude test for the selection of trainees is conducted with the help of specialized software to verify psychomotor skills and finally an interview.IGRUA with its high overall standards can boast to be the IIT of aviation. This explains the reason for IGRUA being the first choice for all wannabe pilots.

By way of preparedness for a likely boom after the slump in the aviation industry due to pandemic and to promote the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative by the Central Government, IGRUA has made all plausible efforts to increase the quantum of flying vis-à-vis number of graduates to cater for the requirements of the aviation industry.  During the year 2021, IGRUA piled up 19000 hours of flying as against an average yearly flying output of 15000 per year during the previous five years while it was 11641 hours in 2020. IGRUA achieved this milestone of 19000 hours despite the continued effect of pandemic and inclement weather conditions due to the Tauktae Cyclone in 2021.  During the concurrent period, 66 cadets have graduated as against 43 during the previous year.  The achievement becomes more significant when it is done with a reduced fleet strength of 18 aircraft as against 24 during the previous years.  IGRUA has already set the foundation to hit a target of 25000 flying hours in 2022 by inducting a record 121 cadets in 2021 and expanding the fleet strength in 2022.

How To Join Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi( IGRUA) ?

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IGRUA has the incredible infrastructure, consisting of a dedicated airfield & airspace, 6080 ft. runway, parallel taxi track, apron, navigation & landing aids, hangars, ATC & Fire Fighting, Aviation Fuel Station, hostels/mess for boarding & lodging of 300 cadets, residential campus, sports facilities, auditorium and all other facilities for the transition of an individual from a school pass level to a confident commercial pilot, eligible for joining in any of the premier, world-class airlines. 

Traditionally, IGRUA used to conduct Ab-initio to CPL Course on fixed-wing aircraft, three-year graduation program in B.Sc (Aviation) for the CPL cadets, CRM & Multi-Crew Conversion Course on DA 42 aircraft, Refresher Course for CFIs/FIs/AFIs, skill tests for renewal of CPL and On Job Practical Training to students undergoing Diploma in Aeronautical and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Since its inception, IGRUA produced 1450 most dexterous and proficient aviators in the country and still counting. The graduates of IGRUA are the obvious choice of aviation giants in India and abroad due to the unmatchable standards of training.

Understanding its larger objective of promoting and developing the science of aeronautics, IGRUA has stretched its wings into a variety of other initiatives in aviation, such as drone training courses to become professional RPAS pilots on micro & small category drones, ‘Train the Instructor’ course for drone instructors and English Language Proficiency (ELP) course.  It is further expanding its portfolio by commencing Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) course and imparting ground training to prepare students for the DGCA examination for PPL/CPL & ATPL.

Hope this article is useful, similarly there are many institutes in India that conduct CPL courses that might help to join Indian Armed Forces. Jai Hind.

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