As per the UPSC Notification for Combined Defence Services Entry, candidates have to follow few instructions before joining the INA (Indian Naval Academy), Ezhimala.
Instructions for Candidates joining Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala
(i) Candidates selected for training at the Indian Naval Academy will be appointed as Cadets under the Graduate Cadet Special Entry Scheme (GSES) Course. The selection of the cadets is based on the candidate qualifying in the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE), followed by SSB interview and Medical Examination. Meritorious candidates who are medically fit are appointed to the 45 vacancies in the order of merit, Six of these 45 vacancies are reserved for Naval NCC ‘C’ Certificate holding candidates under the NCC Special Entry Scheme.
(ii) Selection of Cadets from the National Cadet Corps. The eligibility, age-limits, educational qualifications for candidates applying under the NCC Special Entry Scheme are the same as the GSES candidates except for the following :-
(a) A NCC Cadet must have served for not less than two academic years in the Senior Division, Naval Wing of the National Cadet Corps, and must be in possession of Certificate ‘C’ (Naval). Those who have appeared or intend to appear for certificate ‘C’ examination are also eligible to apply but their final selection shall depend on producing the Certificate before the commence-ment of the course.
(b) The NCC Cadet must be in possession of a certificate of good conduct and character from his University or Principal of his College.
(c) A NCC Cadet shall not be eligible to apply after twelve months of leaving the Senior Division, Naval Wing of the National Cadet Corps.
(d) In order to apply, a cadet must submit his application to his Officer Commanding, N.C.C. Unit, Naval Wing who shall forward it through the Circle Commander concerned to the N.C.C. Directorate, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. The N.C.0 Directorate will forward the applications to the Chief of the naval Staff. The applications shall be submitted on the prescribed form. These forms will be available at all N.C.C. Units.
(e) Candidate who are considered prima facie suitable shall be required to appear before a Services Selection Board for interview and other tests.
(f) Candidates to be finally selected should at least secure the minimum qualifying marks at the Services Selection Board. Subject to this condition and to their being declared medically fit, successful candidates shall be placed in the order of merit based on the total marks secured in the written examination and the Service Selection Board interview. The final selection shall be made in the order of merit up to the number of vacancies available.
(iii) Candidates, finally selected for training at the Academy will be appointed as cadets in the Executive Branch of the Navy. A sum of Rs. 35,000/-should be brought by them and deposited in the bank account, which they would be opening at the State Bank of India, Ezhimala branch, on arrival. Since it is a large amount, it is advised that they carry a demand draft payable to self. The deposit money would be used to meet the following expenditures:-
(a) Pocket/Personal                               Rs. 5000/
expenses. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â @ Rs. 1000/-per month
(b) Expenses on Laundry, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rs. 4250/
Civilian – bearer,  Cinema, hair cutting           @ Rs. 850/- per month
and other sundry services.
(c) Expenses on stitching/ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Rs. 20,000
purchase of Academy Blazer, Academy tie,
Academy Mufti, Academy Sportswear,
Jogging shoes, Jungle boots,
Swimming Trunk/suits and Satchels.
(d) Travelling expenses                              Rs. 2,000
for proceeding to next duty
station/home station on leave on
completion of Naval Orientation Course
on return Journey at the end of the term.
(e) Insurance : A sum of Rs. 780/- non-refundable premium for a cover of Rs. 8 Lakhs is required to be paid by the candidate on reporting to the Naval Academy during the six months of training. An additional premium of Rs. 780/- would be payable for each relegated term.
(iv) Training : Selected candidates may be appointed as cadets on reporting at the Indian Naval Academy. The candidates shall remain under probation till completion of initial training which is as follows.
a) Naval orientation course of INA 44 Weeks Ezhimala
b) Officers Sea Training at Training Ship 06 months
c) Sub-Leiutenant Afloat Training 06 Months
d) Sub-Leiutenant (Technical Course) 32 Weeks
e) Afloat Attachment for award of Minimum Full Naval Watch-keeping 06-09 Months Certificate
(v) Commissioning & Other Benefits : The cadets shall be commissioned in the rank of Sub-Leiutnenant after successful com-pletion of approximately 18 months of training. The career prospects, leave benefits, leave and travel concession. Pensionary/retirements benefits and all such perks and privileges provided to officers in the Navy in similar to those being provided by the two services.
(vi) The cost of training including accommodation and allied services, books, uniform, messing and medical treatment of the cadets of the Indian Naval Academy will be borne by the Government. Parents or guardians of cadets will, however, be required to meet their pocket and other private expenses while they are cadets. When a cadet’s parent or guardian has an Income less than Rs. 1500/- per mensem and is unable to meet wholly or partly the pocket expenses of the cadet financial assistance upto Rs. 140/- per mensem may be granted by the Government. A candidate desirous of securing financial assistance may immediately after his selection, submit an application through the District Magistrate of his District, who will with his recommendations, forward the application to the Principal Director of Manpower Planning & Recruitment, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi- 110011.