Last Minute Tips for EKT 1 2017 Exam

EKT Engineering Knowledge Test is conducted along with AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) for the entrance in technical branch of IAF as an officer....

Last Minute Tips for EKT 1 2016 Exam

EKT Engineering Knowledge Test is conducted along with AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) for the entrance in technical branch of IAF as an officer. This paper starts immediately after the written AFCAT exam of 2 hours. It contains questions dealing with basic concepts of your discipline of engineering and a thorough understanding of your basics will help you solve this easily. This test is crucial as it is compulsory to clear it, if you clear AFCAT and fail this test, you can’t make it in the technical branch.

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Last Minute Tips for EKT 1 2017 Exam

Last Minute Tips for EKT 1 2017

  • Extensive practice: You will find nothing better and workable than extensive practice. You should all types of questions you come across in previous question papers and be prepared on all question patterns.

Links to previous year question papers

  1. EKT 1 2015 Mechanical question paper
  2. EKT 1 2015 Question Paper Electrical And Electronics
  3. EKT Computer Science 1 2015
  4. AFCAT 2014 2 EKT Mechanical Paper
  5. EKT 2014 2 Electrical And Electronic paper
  6. EKT 2 2015 Mechanical question paper
  7. EKT 2 2015 Computer Science question paper
  8. EKT 2 2015 EEE/ECE Question Paper
  • Keep yourself calm: Understand that panicking will not help you in any way so; the key here is to remain calm and prepare yourself for the EKT 2 2016 examination with complete focus and determination.
  • Be Accurate: Accuracy is the key to crack the EKT 2 2016 exam. The penalty for each wrong answer is a 1/3 mark deduction and therefore, answer carefully to maximize the marks.
  • Right Approach: If possible don’t use the “eliminating the wrong answer options” approach too often because few questions in EKT are of Numerical type.
  • Keep separate notes for formulas: You will find a lot of formulas in the Engineering subjects which have to be memorized. Writing down the formulas as and when you finish each topic or referring to a collection of formulae will definitely help you get familiar.
  • Mock Test Series: Take up a mock test series as this will help you to get familiar with the pattern. This will also help you to assess your preparation. Going through mock papers lets you know your strengths and weaknesses. It also provides the mistakes you are making at this late stage which will in-turn help to you prepare well.

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  • Keep the admit card ready, and keep it safe. You don’t want any panic on the day of the exam. Thus, it’s best to visit your exam center in advance and familiarize yourself with the surroundings.
  • Create your own Exam Strategy: Some people like to solve a paper from the very first question while some prefer to glance through the entire paper at first and then start by answering questions from their areas of strength. This is one more reason why you need to solve mock test series so that you can experiment and create your own exam strategy.
  • Be in Time: You should reach the examination center at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam.

Note: Always remember, being confident gets you “more” marks than knowing than having no confidence.

  1. Manage your time well, and keep the clock at the back of your mind when attempting questions. If you find that you have devoted extra time to a section, do not panic. Just calm down, modify your earlier plan of solving the paper, and follow that.
  2. Negative marking during the exam. Analyze your accuracy percent in your previous mocks to get an idea of whether your current plan is working.
  3. Get enough sleep. And by enough, we mean 8-10 hours of sleep before the day of exam.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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