Meet Tin Tin Chakma TES 48 Topper AIR-19, who left IIT Kharagpur to join the Indian Army

Tin Tin Chakma has topped the TES 48 Entry through SSB Interview, he has secured the All-India Rank of 19 in the TES 48 Course....

Tin Tin Chakma has topped the TES 48 Entry through SSB Interview, he has secured the All-India Rank of 19 in the TES 48 Course. He is from a civilian background and comes from Mumbai.

Tin Tin Chakma, is AIR 19 for the Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme TES 48th course. He is from a civil background and hails from Mumbai. He is all set to leave IIT Kharagpur to join OTA Gaya. He also cleared NDA but got screened out and finally got recommended in his second attempt from 21 SSB Bhopal.

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Tin Tin Chakma is going to talk about his experience related to the NDA Written Exam Preparation and SSB interview Process for TES entry over the course of five days in this SSBCrack Talks interview.

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Tin Tin Chakma got recommended for TES 48th Course to join the Indian Army at one of the cadet training wings (CTW) after completing his training at OTA Gaya. The Indian army has released the TES 48 Merit List, which is a Technical Entry Scheme for 10+2 students.

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Tin Tin Chakma ssb

At the TES 48 SSB interview, 151 candidates cleared the SSB Interview and got recommended and Tin Tin Chakma has secured the AIR-19 with flying colors.

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