MoD signs Rs 19,600 crore deal to acquire 17 Warships

On March 30, 2023, the Ministry of Defence signed contracts with Indian shipyards for the acquisition of 11 Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels and six...

On March 30, 2023, the Ministry of Defence signed contracts with Indian shipyards for the acquisition of 11 Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels and six Next Generation Missile Vessels for an estimated Rs 19,600 crore.

MoD signs Rs 19600 crore deal to acquire 17 Warships
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Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels

The contract for the purchase of 11 Next Generation Offshore Patrol Vessels under the Buy (Indian-IDDM) category was signed with Goa Shipyard Ltd (GSL) and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE), Kolkata, for Rs 9,781 crore. GSL will design, develop, and manufacture seven of the 11 ships, while GRSE will design, develop, and manufacture four. The ships are scheduled to be delivered beginning in September 2026.

defence ministry approves procurement of next generation offshore patrol vessels

The acquisition of these ships will allow the Indian Navy to maintain its combat capability while also meeting various operational requirements such as anti-piracy, counter-infiltration, anti-poaching, anti-trafficking, non-combatant evacuation operations, search and rescue (SAR), and offshore asset protection, among others. Over a seven-and-a-half-year period, the construction of these ships will generate 110 lakh man-days of employment.

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Next Generation Missile Vessels

The contract for the acquisition of six Next Generation Missile Vessels (NGMV) was signed with Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) at a cost of Rs 9,805 crore. The delivery of ships is scheduled to commence in March 2027. The NGMVs would be heavily armed war vessels incorporating stealth, high speed, and offensive capability. The primary role of the ships would be to provide offensive capability against enemy warships, merchantmen, and land targets.

Next Generation Missile Vessel

These ships will be capable of conducting Maritime Strike Operations, Anti-Surface Warfare Operations, and will be a powerful tools for sea denial for enemy ships, particularly at choke points. These ships would be used for Local Naval Defence operations and seaward defence of the Offshore Development Area in a defensive role. Over a nine-year period, the construction of these ships will generate 45 lakh man-days of employment.

The in-house production of these vessels will encourage active participation by Indian shipbuilding and related industries, including MSMEs. These vessels will be proud flag bearers of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat,’ with the majority of the equipment and systems sourced from indigenous manufacturers.

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