MoD Signs Contract Worth Rs.1,752 Cr With AWEIL

Ministry of Defence has signed a contract on February 14, 2024, with Advanced Weapon Equipment India Ltd. Kanpur. MoD Signs Contract Worth Rs.1,752 Cr With...

Ministry of Defence has signed a contract on February 14, 2024, with Advanced Weapon Equipment India Ltd. Kanpur.

MoD Signs Contract Worth Rs.1,752 Cr With AWEIL

Ministry of Defence has signed a contract on February 14, 2024, with Advanced Weapon Equipment India Ltd. Kanpur for manufacturing & supply of a total of 463 indigenously manufactured 12.7 mm Stabilised Remote-Control Guns for the Indian Navy & ICG at a total cost of Rs. 1752.13 crores, with Indigenous Content of more than 85%. The SRCG will enhance the capability of Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard to accurately engage small targets that post a threat to ships in an asymmetric environment, both by day and night.

This acquisition will provide further boost to the vision of “Aatmanirbharta in Defence”. This contract will also open up a large avenue in defence manufacturing for over 125 Indian Vendors and DPSUs for over a period of 5 years.

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Advanced Weapon Equipment India Limited

Advanced Weapons and Equipment India Limited is an Indian state-owned defence company, headquartered in Kanpur, India established in 2021 as part of the restructuring and corporatisation of the Ordnance Factory Board into seven different Public Sector Undertakings. AWE primarily manufactures Small arms and artillery guns for the use of the Indian Armed Forces, foreign militaries and domestic civilian use.

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AWE consists of the following seven factories of the erstwhile Ordnance Factory Board:

•Field Gun Factory, Kanpur

•Gun and Shell Factory Cossipore

•Gun Carriage Factory Jabalpur

•Ordnance factory Kanpur

•Rifle Factory Ishapore

•Small Arms Factory, Kanpur

Ordnance Factory Board

OFB consisting of the Indian Ordnance Factories, now known as Directorate of Ordnance (Coordination & Services) was an organisation, under the Department of Defence Production of MoD. The 41 Indian Ordnance Factories have been converted into 7 Defence Public Sector Undertakings. OFB was the 37th-largest defence equipment manufacturer in the world, 2nd-largest in Asia, and the largest in India. OFB was the world’s largest government-operated production organisation and the oldest organisation in India.

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Infrastructure and leadership of OFB

•Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata

•Armoured Vehicles Headquarters, Chennai

•Ordnance Equipment Factories Headquarters, Kanpur

•Ordnance Factory Board, New Delhi Office

•Ordnance Factory Cell, Mumbai

•Ordnance Factories Recruitment Centre, Nagpur

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Picture of Divyanshu Pandey

Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

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