NDA 1 2015 Final Merit List / FINAL MERIT LIST OF THE NDA-135 & NA-97 Exam

Merit list of NDA 135th course and Naval academy for 97th INAC, for the admission of successful candidates in National Defence Academy is published. The...

Merit list of NDA 135th course and Naval academy for 97th INAC, for the admission of successful candidates in National Defence Academy is published. The list contains 331 Candidates names in the order of merit list, soon, candidates will be alloted with joining instructions as per their order in the merit list.

NDA 1 2015 Final Merit List / FINAL MERIT LIST OF THE NDA-135 & NA-97 ExamFINAL MERIT LIST OF THE NDA-135 & NA-97 Exam

Download by clicking on the link given below.

NDA 1 2015 Final Merit List pdf

NDA 135th Course Exam Conducting Body:

Union Public Service Commission is India’s central agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination. It conducts N.D.A. & N.A. Exam in two parts, first is preliminary and second is main exam.

NDA 135th Course Purpose of Exam:

The main intention to conduct the N.D.A. & N.A. Exam is recruit the capable and deserving candidates on the relevant posts by examine their level of knowledge.

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What is National Defence Academy (NDA)?

National Defence Academy is a premier joint training Institution and center of excellence for producing junior leaders, for the Indian armed forces, and armed forces of friendly foreign countries. The training entails equipping the cadets with mental, moral and physical attributes required to cope with the challenges of the future battle field with the aim of leading troops to victory in conventional, non-conventional and asymmetrical conflicts.

NDA imparts training to young men, who choose the Armed Forces as their vocation. They are given an intensive education in Science, Technology, Arts and Military subjects. At the end of their three-year course, which is split into six terms, a cadet is awarded a Bachelor’s Degree from the Jawaharlal Nehru University. While a cadet is being prepared intellectually to face the forthcoming challenges of high technology on tomorrow’s battle-field, he is also physically and mentally toughened by a rigorous regimen of physical conditioning which includes drill, swimming, horse-riding and the full gamut of games and sporting activities. In the three years at the Academy, he is transformed from a cadet into a potential officer and a gentleman.

On successful completion of the three-year course, Army cadets proceed to the Indian Military Academy at Dehradun, Naval cadets to Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala and Air Force cadets to the Air Force Academy at Hyderabad. After completion of one year of training at their respective academies, they are commissioned as officers into respective services.

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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