NDA 2 2023 Official Cut Off Marks

The National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II) 2023 has released the official details concerning vacancies, recommendations, and cut-off marks. Here is...


The National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) Examination (II) 2023 has released the official details concerning vacancies, recommendations, and cut-off marks. Here is a comprehensive overview of the outcome:


Vacancies and Recommendations:

  • Army: There were 208 vacancies, including 10 reserved for female candidates.
  • Navy: A total of 42 spots were open, with 12 earmarked for female candidates.
  • Air Force:
    • Flying: 92 positions were available, including 2 for female candidates.
    • Ground Duties (Technical): There were 18 vacancies, with 2 designated for female candidates.
    • Ground Duties (Non-Technical): 10 spots were offered, including 2 for female candidates.
  • Naval Academy: 25 vacancies were noted, with 7 reserved for female candidates.

In total, 395 vacancies are there for these positions, with a detailed breakdown provided for each wing and role.

NDA 2 2023 Official Cut Off Marks

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NDA Exam Previous Year Cut Off Marks

NDA & NA (II) 2023 292656
NDA & NA (I) 2023 301664
NDA & NA (II) 2022 316678
NDA & NA (I) 2022 360720
NDA & NA (II) 2021 355726
NDA & NA (I) 2021 343709
NDA & NA (II) 2020355723
NDA & NA (I) 2020355723
NDA & NA (I) 2019342704
NDA & NA (II) 2018325688
NDA & NA (I) 2018338705
NDA & NA (II) 2017258624
NDA & NA (I) 2017342708
NDA & NA (II) 2016229602
NDA & NA (I) 2016288656
NDA & NA (II) 2015269637
NDA & NA (I) 2015306674
NDA & NA (II) 2014283656
NDA & NA (I) 2014360722
NDA & NA (II) 2013360721
NDA & NA (I) 2013333698
NDA & NA (II) 2012335699

Minimum Qualifying Standards:

  • The minimum qualifying standard at the written stage was set at 292 out of a possible 900 marks. Candidates were required to score at least 20% in each subject to be considered for advancement.
  • The marks secured by the last recommended candidate at the final stage were 656 out of 1800 marks.


To address scenarios where candidates achieved equal aggregate marks, the following tie-principles were applied:

  1. Seniority in Age: If candidates had equal marks in aggregate, the one senior in age was given a higher rank.
  2. Higher Aggregate Score in Written Papers: For candidates of the same age with identical aggregate marks, precedence was given to the candidate who achieved a higher aggregate score in the written examinations.

These details underline the rigorous standards and the transparent selection process upheld by the commission to ensure the selection of the most suitable candidates for the defense services.

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