NDA Various Stages

Stage I – NDA Written Examination
- Mode: Offline Examination.
- Conducted By: UPSC (Twice a year)
- Scheme: 2 Papers
MATHEMATICS | 01 | 150 MIN. | 300 |
GENERAL ABILITY TEST | 02 | 150 MIN. | 600 |
TOTAL | 900 |
Stage II – SSB Interview
- Conducted By : Services Selection Board
- Process : 5 Days Interview
conducted in 2 stages
- Stage 1 : Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) and Picture Perception & Description Test (PP&DT). This is a one-day process.
- Stage 2 : Includes Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO), Psychology Tests and the Conference. This is a four-day process
- For Flying Branch:
- Every candidate for the flying branch of air force is given Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) only once.
- The grades secured by him at the 1st test will therefore hold good for every subsequent interview he has with the AFSB.
- A candidate who fails in the CPSS can’t apply for admission to the NDA examination for the flying branch of Air Force wing or General Duties (pilot) Branch of Naval Air Arm.
Stage III – Medical Examination
- Conducted By : Board of Service Medical Officers.
- Process : Only those candidates will be admitted to the academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board.
Stage IV – Merit List
- Published By : UPSC
- Basis : Combined marks of Written Examination & subsequent SSB Interviews.
- Final merit list of NDA, with medical status is uploaded by respective career websites of Army, Navy & Airforce.
- Based on vacancies and order or merit, candidates get the joining instructions for NDA