Officers Training Academy Gaya Passing Out Parade POP 12 December 2020

OTA Gaya Passing Out Parade 12 December 2020. This passing out parade is another glorious day in Indian military history when 22 Gentlemen of Special...


OTA Gaya Passing Out Parade 12 December 2020. This passing out parade is another glorious day in Indian military history when 22 Gentlemen of Special Commissioned Officer SCO- 45 will receive a commission in the Indian Army as officers

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1 thought on “Officers Training Academy Gaya Passing Out Parade POP 12 December 2020”

  1. मला पण आर्मी जॉईन करायचे आहे परंतु कोणत्या शाळेमध्ये एनसीसी ला ऍडमिशन भेटत नाही जय हिंद हेल्प मी


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