What is Progressive Group Task (PGT) in SSB Interview?

Progressive Group Task is one of the tasks in the GTO series and is the third task and the first field task. This task is...

Progressive Group Task is one of the tasks in the GTO series and is the third task and the first field task. This task is basically conducted so that the candidates can show their teamwork, knowledge, coordination, leadership skills, convincing skills, stamina and determination.


Progressive Group Task (PGT) in SSB Interview

All the candidates are dressed up in white T-shirts and white shorts along with white shoes. This task is performed in a group which generally consists of 7-8 members. In this task, there will be a start line and a finish line and between these two lines, there will be certain structures ranking from 1-4 in a row and the candidates are advised to cross all the structures and reach the finish line. The difficulty level of these structures will be increasing as soon as the candidate will complete the previous structure.

Between these structures, there will be some distance and the GTO will give some items using which the group has to cover some distance. 3 Items that are Rope (Rassi), Plank (Fatta) and Wooden log (Balli) are provided. The GTO will also give a drum (as a load) and the group has to carry this load till the end i.e. the finish line.

Once the task is started the team is advised to complete the task within 40 mins. No member of the group will start the next structure unless and until all the members have completed the previous structure. The difficulty of the tasks grows from one obstacle to another in a progressive way. So this task is called Progressive Group Task.

Importance of PGT or What is expected from a candidate?

  • Is the candidate able to contribute towards the common group goal?
  • Is the candidate able to influence the group and make his group understand his ideas?
  • Does the candidate have adequate mental and physical stamina to handle stress?
  • If the candidate is able to be a leader of a leaderless group.
  • Is the candidate helpful and determined to complete the task?
  • Is the candidate cooperative enough to hear others’ ideas and work on it?
  • Most importantly, is the candidate able to make the best use of the available materials to complete the task, is the candidate jugadu enough?

Procedures of PGT.

  • The GTO will call the entire group in the ground at the start line of the first PGT task. The helping materials will be lying on the ground
  • The GTO will explain each and everything about the task and will explain each and everything regarding the structures.
  • The GTO will tell the group which structures are not to be touched and which are out-of-bound areas.
  • The GTO will explain everything regarding the structures and the task and it is very important for the candidates to listen to them very carefully.
  • After explaining the first structure the GTO will move on to the next structure and similarly do the same for all 4 structures.
  • If the GTO asks regarding any doubt, try to ask it then and there and avoid asking it at last.
  • Once the GTO is finished the group is left on their own to perform the task.

Rules to be followed in PGT


The most important rule says that every member and all the materials must have crossed the previous obstacle before the group moves to the second obstacle.


The obstacles are painted white but you’ll see that some of them are painted with some colours at the edge or in between.

The colours are

  • White – Candidates can stand on this colour and can place their helping materials or can tie rope.
  • Red – This colour is out of bounds for every candidate and no materials can touch this colour.
  • Yellow/Green/Blue – Only the candidates can stand/sit on this colour and no helping materials can be kept on this colour. The colours depend on the respective SSB/AFSB.


The starting and finishing line are marked by a line which is approximately 12-15 feet which has to be considered as an infinite line and the candidates cannot go from the side of this line.


Candidates cannot jump or leap a distance which is more than 4 feet. They have to reduce the distance by making use of the helping materials and making an arrangement to cross the distance.


Any two rigid materials cannot be tied together. However, the candidates can place such materials on one another. The rope can be tied to any structure and is a solid material. The rope can be used to make a loop and can be placed on any white-coloured structure.

Important Tips For P.G.T:-

  • Always analyse the structures in front of you and understand them properly.
  • Never look at the officer at sight or the GTO, he will be always wearing his sunglasses.
  • If anyhow you violate the rule of the task, get back to the starting line without hiding it from the GTO, he is observing everything.
  • Try to give more and more ideas to the group and always show your activeness, this doesn’t mean you are contributing which is no good to the group.
  • If someone is putting his ideas, consider them if they are good, or amplify the idea and make it work.
  • Don’t give any useless ideas and try to have command of your language, and interact in a friendly and helpful manner with your group.
  • Give ideas which are workable and try not to obstruct anyone else’s ideas.

Do’s and Don’ts at PGT


  1. Always listen to the GTO very carefully while he is explaining the rules. Never have the attitude that you are coached so you know everything and don’t try to act smart in front of him.
  2. The GTO will clearly say to run whenever you are on the ground, once he is finished explaining the rules, run to the starting point and start the task.
  3. Always notice the structures very carefully and then give your ideas, keep the rules in mind and always remember that these structures are very simple, they just need your very basic common sense.
  4. Be the initiator of the group and always take the initiative to start the task. Show your presence in the group to the GTO.
  5. If some member of the group is giving his ideas, try to make the idea more workable and support the member, be cooperative be friendly.
  6. Try to give logical ideas to the group and while standing always keep your hands at the back, this show how confident you are even in a stressed environment.


  1. Never ask silly questions to the GTO, and never ask him to repeat the rules, this will show that you were not listening to him at first.
  2. Avoid being Dominant in the group and never just be the one who is implementing the ideas, if you are giving the ideas try to implement that on your own.
  3. Don’t get lost in the moment and carefully watch what others are doing always be involved either physically or by giving practical ideas.
  4. Avoid being over-enthusiastic or implementing too risky solutions.
  5. Avoid the movements of your hands and legs unnecessarily, this shows you are underconfident.
  6. Never use any vulgar language and never address anyone with such language and never point out anything or anyone.
  7. Never hide the fact that you have broken a rule. If you break a rule start again from the starting line.
  8. Avoid looking at the GTO when you are performing the task.

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