Required Eye Sight For CDS NDA TGC TES 2017 Entries

In this article you will read about minimum eyesight required to join Indian army through NDA, CDS, TGC, TES, UES, NCC and many other entries....

In this article you will read about  minimum eyesight required to join Indian army through NDA, CDS, TGC, TES, UES, NCC and many other entries.

Required Eye Sight For CDS NDA TGC TES 2017 Entries


Eyesight for NDA Exam

Vision standard for Naval:

  • Uncorrected without glass 6/6
  • Corrected with glass 6/6,
  • Limits of Myopia -0.75
  • Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5
  • Binocular vision III
  • Limits of colour preception I

Vision standard for Air Force:

  • Uncorrected without glass 6/12
  • corrected with glass 6/6
  • Limits of Myopia -0.75D
  • Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5D
  • Binocular vision III
  • Limits of colour preception I

Visual standards for Air Force: Candidates who habitually wear spectacles are not eligible for Air Force,Minimum distant vision 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other, correctable to 6/6 only for Hypermetropia, Colour vision CP-I Hypermetropia : + 2.0 D Sph Manifest Myopia : Nil Retinoscopic Myopia : – 0.5 in any Meridian permitted. Astigmatism : +0.75 D Cyl (within + 2.0 D-Max)

Maddox Rod Test

  1. at 6 meters – Exo – 6 prism D Eso – 6 prism D Hyper-1 Prism D Hypro-1 Prism D
  2. at 33 cms – Exo – 16 Prism D Eso – 6 prism D Hyper – 1 prism D Hypo – 1 prism D

Hand held Stereoscope – All of BSV grades Convergence – Up to 10 cm Cover test for distant and near – Lateral divergence/convergence recovery rapid and complete Radial Keratotomy, Photo-Refractive Keratotomy/laser in Situ, Kerato – mileusis (PRK/LASIK) surgeries for correction of refractive errors are not permitted for any Air Force duties. Candidates having undergone cataract surgery with or without IOL implants will also be declared unfit. Binocular vision must possess good binocular vision (fusion and stereopsis with good amplitude and depth. Candidates who have undergone LASIK surgery are not considered fit for permanent commission in flying branch in IAF.

Eyesight for CDS Exam

Vision standard for Naval:

  • Uncorrected without glass 6/12
  • corrected with glass 6/6
  • Limits of Myopia -1.5
  • Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5
  • Binocular vision III
  • Limits of colour perception I

Vision standard for Air Force:

  • Uncorrected without glass 6/12
  • corrected with glass 6/6
  • Limits of Myopia -0.75D
  • Limits of Hypermetropia +1.5D
  • Binocular vision III
  • Limits of colour perception I

Eyesight for TGC Entry

Distance Vision (Corrected): Better Eye-6/6; Worse Eye-6/18. Myopia should not be more than 3.5D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5D including Astigmatism. Internal examination of the eye will be done my means of ophthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye. A candidate must have good binocular vision. The colour vision standard will be CP-III. A candidate should be able to recognize red and green colours. Candidates who have undergone or have evidence for having undergone Radial Keratotomy to improve the visual acuity will be permanently rejected. In order to detect PRK/LASIK all the candidates at SMB will be subjected to the measurement of Axial length by A-Scan biometer.

Eyesight for TES Entry

Distance Vision (Corrected) Better Eye (6/6), Worse Eye (6/9). Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism. Internal examination of the eye will be done by means of ophthalmoscope to rule out any disease of the eye. A Candidate must have good binocular vision, the colour vision standard will be CP-III for Army. A candidate should be able to recognize red and green colors. Candidates will be required to give certificates that neither he nor any member of his family has suffered from congenital night blindness. Candidates who have undergone or have the evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy, to improve the visual acuity, will be permanently rejected.

Eyesight for NCC Entry

Distance Vision (Corrected) Better Eye (6/6), Worse Eye (6/9). Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and hypermetropia not more than 3.5 D including Astigmatism.

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