Situations Candidates Face Infront of SSB Interviewing Officer

SSB is a test to minutely observe a person’s qualities and based on their observations they decide whether a person has officer like personality characteristics in him/her or not. We...

SSB is a test to minutely observe a person’s qualities and based on their observations they decide whether a person has officer like personality characteristics in him/her or not. We may have necessary OLQs, but sometimes we don’t know how to show them at right time. All these because lacking of preparation, carelessness or overconfidence. Here we will share some Situations Candidates Face Infront of SSB Interviewing Officer.

SSB Interview OIR Online Test Series

Situations Candidates Face Infront of SSB Interviewing Officer

Situations Candidates Face Infront of SSB Interviewing Officer

1.  It is hard to catch when you lie, I lied: Ahh, you are not even a good liar, do you plan and lie or you lie spontaneously, depends on the situation?  If you fall under second category, then it may take years for you to get recommended or perhaps in next life.  I am not saying all recommended candidates were ‘Harish chandra’  neither I suggest lying to get recommended, but the whole point of discussion is, if you get caught or IO felt something fishy in your statements, you are done.

  • What is not lying?  Hit and try in GK a question is not lying.
  • What is lying? Contradicting the statement mentioned in your PIQ form, saying something unexpected, unable to answer counter questions and letting the IO know from your body language that you lied.
  • If you lie something about your personal life and get caught, IO won’t take any chance to screw his career.

2. You look Lazier than the guy who created the Japanese flag: None like poor body language, not only in SSB, but in other areas, one has to be an active participant, you are there for special purpose and you got a golden chance. Be like a gentleman and be active during personal interview, be cheerful and lively, enjoy the personal interview.

3. Why you are nervous, it’s not a war zone: It is a war zone for us, getting nervous is normal for most of us, but IO doesn’t know this because it is a daily work for him. He won’t count your nervousness as an excuse. You have to control your nervousness if you want to be in, else pack your bag and wait for another call letter.

4.  Kid you have super intelligence, you are good to be a scientist: Avoid showing or saying something they don’t ask for, speak up to a level which satisfies IO and you. Don’t add something extra in your answer; you might face some more unexpected questions which might put some negative impression in your performance. It is not bad to have high intelligence level, but it is not always required everywhere.

5.  You are emotional: Nothing bad if you are emotional, but who cares. The point is, you might face certain questions which can make you emotional and you might think that it helps you gain some place in IOs heart. Getting emotional in between interview may spoil your performance, and trust me, it never helps either.

6.  Where your confidence is: You might not be good in studies or sports, you may not have big achievement, but how do you verify the worthiness of your life and your place in defence forces is counted. One must be confident and responsible for  what he does and did in his life, IO may force you to regret for not getting 80% in 12th but it depends on you whether you support your hard work in getting 75% in 12th or regret for not getting extra  5% because you were indulge in sports as well. You have to support your past and present, no one else will do it for you.

7. Do you even prepare before stepping in: Especially for repeaters, if you are not able to answer the same rapid fire questions in personal interview again, it clearly shows the level of your preparation. But IO can figure out one quality from this “you are careless bro”. At least show that you have prepared this time. That is why you always face the question “Why you were not recommended last time,” if you don’t know the answer, you are still unprepared.

8. You are here for time pass:  When you are interested in joining some organization, it is most likely that you have done homework about that organization, if you are interested in joining Army than at least you must know basic questions related to army. If you don’t answer such question properly, it may have bad impact as well.

9. Don’t mess with me: If you think being aggressive on IO may help you to portray your image as a strong man, better go for Jawan Bharti Mela or Roadies, IO don’t give a damn.

10.  You have surrendered:There are mainly two ways followed by candidates, one is, just totally surrender himself in front of IO and starts dancing in IO’s song. That candidate loses the abilities to use his brain and IO can completely judge his negative qualities because it is more likely to be visible at that time. On the other hand, an average candidate is confident and faces each and every question and replies the counter questions with confidence, sometime he may not agree with IO’s point of view on certain discussion, he can deny it in a polite way, this shows he has brains and he thinks after listening and before speaking. IO would better take chance with the second candidate.

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