(a) Period of probation : An officer will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date he/ she receives his/her commission. If he/ she is reported on within the probationary period as unsuitable to retain his/her commission, he/she may be terminated any time whether before or after the expiry of the probationary period. Candidates withdrawn from Officers’ Training Academy on disciplinary grounds are not eligible to apply.
(b) Posting : Personnel granted Short Service Commission are liable to serve anywhere in India and abroad on selected appointments as decided by IHO, MOD (Army) from time to time.
(c) Tenure of Appointment : Short Service Commission to Officers (Male and Female) in the regular Army will be granted for 14 years i.e. for an initial period of 10 years extendible by a further period of 04 years. Male officers who are willing to continue to serve in the Army after the expiry of period of ten years Short Service Commission may, if eligible and suitable in all respects, be considered for the grant of permanent Commission in the 10th year of their Short Service Commission in accordance with the relevant rules.
Those SSC officers who are not selected for grant of PC but are otherwise considered fit and suitable, will be given options to continue as SSCOs for a total period of 14 years (including the initial tenure of 10 years) on expiry of which they will be released from the Army. Women officers are not eligible for permanent commission. However, they can opt for extention of upto 14 years of service.
d) Special Provision for Release for SSC on completion of 5th Year of Service :Â
SSC (Non-Tech) Male & Female Officers, other than those who undergone or are undergoing Degree Engineering Course or any other specialized course of such nature, who are desirous of leaving the service after completion of five years service may, during the fifth year of service, apply to the Army HQs. for release. Army HQ will consider the applications of such officers on merits and the decision of the Army HQ will be final and irrevocable. On approval of such officers will be released from service on completion of 5th year of service. Those SSC (Non-Tech) Male & Female Officers who have undergone or are undergoing Degree Engineering Course or any other specialised course of such nature, will not be released before expiry of full tenure of 14 years unless the cost of training of such specialized course as prescribed is recovered from them. They will be required to execute a bond to this effect on being nominated for undertaking Degree Engineering Course/Special Course of such nature.
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e) Special Provisions during Extended Tenure: During extended tenure, they will be permitted to seek release from the Army on the following grounds :-
(i) Taking up civil Job.
(ii) Pursuing higher education
(iii) Starting own business/joining family business.
f) Substantive Promotion : SSCOs male and female granted Short Service Commission under these rules will be eligible for substantive promotion as under :-
g) Mandatory Conditions : Mandatory conditions for grant of above substantive ranks laid down for Permanent Commissioned officers as well as the eligibility, time limit and penalties for promotion exam Part B and D as applicable to permanent commission officers also be similarly applicable to SSCOs male and female.
h) Adjustment of Seniority: To make adjustment for shorter training of SSC male and female vis-a-vis PC officers, the seniority of SSC male and female officers will be depressed by the period corresponding to the difference in training period between the SSC course under consideration and the training period of its equivalent PC Course. This adjustment of seniority will be carried out at the time of grant of first substantive rank of Captain. The revised seniority will have no effect on the pay and allowances granted in the rank of Capt., Major and Lt. Col.
I) Reckonable Commissioned Service: Subject to provisions of Para (h) above, reckonable commissioned service for the purpose of these orders will count from the date of grant of Short Service Commission to an officer. The period of service forfeited by sentence of Court Martial or by summary award under the Army Act and the period of absence without leave will not be reckonable. The period during which furlough rates of pay are drawn and the period of captivity at POWs rates of pay, will be reckonable. The period of service for promotion lost by an officer in consequence of her having been granted leave without pay will also be reckonable. Such an officer will, however, become entitled to the pay and allowances of the higher substantive rank granted by the inclusion of this period only from the date on which she would have qualified by service if this period had not been so reckoned and not with effect from the date of grant of substantive rank.
(j) Leave: For leave, these officers will be governed by rules applicable to Short Service Commission Officers as given in Chapter IV of the Leave Rules for the service Vol. 1-Army. They will also be entitled to leave on passing out of the Officers’ Training Academy and before assumption of duties under the provision of the Rules 69 ibid. SSC women Officers will also be eligible for Maternity Leave as per SAL I/S/92-S.
(k) Termination of Commission : An officer granted Short Service Commission will be liable for five years but his/her Commission may be terminated at any time by the Government of India :-
(i) for misconduct or if services are found to be unsatisfactory; or
(ii) on account of medical unfitness; or
(iii) if his/her services are no longer required; or
(iv) if he/she fails to qualify in any prescribed test or course.
An officer may on giving 3 months notice be permitted to resign his/her commission on compassionate grounds of which the Government of India will be the sole judge. An officer who is permitted to resign his/her commission on compassionate grounds will not be eligible for terminal gratuity.
(I) Terminal Gratuity : SSCO recruited from civil side are entitled to terminal gratuity 4, 1/2 month’s emoluments for each completed six monthly period of service.
(m) Reserve Liability : On being released on the expiry of five years Short Service Commission or extension thereof they will carry a reserve liability for a period of five years or upto the age of 40 years whichever is earlier.
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It really enriched my knowledge