Territorial Army Interview Procedure

On the scheduled date of SSB Interview candidates have to report at their respective ssb center. Services Selection Board reporting is generally at 7 AM...

On the scheduled date of SSB Interview candidates have to report at their respective ssb center. Services Selection Board reporting is generally at 7 AM or 2 PM at Movement Control Office, for 7 AM reporting screening is generally same day for 2 PM it is on next.


Territorial Army 2 2017 Interview Procedure

Territorial Army 2 2017 Interview Procedure

DAY-1 (Screening Test)


Consists of two tests of i.e., mental reasoning an mathematical ability of approx 25 minutes each, done back to back, Competition success review is a good source to practice from. Total of 100 questions, if u don’t know the answer skip it, do the ones that you know, and time permits come back to it later.

PPDT (Picture Perception and Description Test)

There is a short break, which is followed by a picture test.

You are shown picture which is clear or blurred for 30 sec and you have to write a story within 4 minutes after a buzzer is sounded.

The picture we were shown was blurred.

It’s important to write a short brief story, nothing long or complicated, as one has to narrate it later. Describe the picture, the characters, what led to the situation and most importantly a clear positive outcome. Be positive in all aspects. Keep the story short as it’s easy to narrate and remember.

Narration & Discussion

Candidates will be divided in groups of 10-15, made to sit in a semi circle, and were then asked to go over their stories. All then will be given one minute individually to narrate it. If narration is short, crisp, flowing and to the point, no stammering or blank pauses, that will be very helpful, because after that all pandemonium broke loose. As per  the instructions after the last narration candidates have to discuss the story and come to a conclusion.

DAY-2 (Psychological Tests)

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): TAT consists of set of ambiguous pictures that will be shown to the candidate, while looking on these pictures candidates must create a theme like a story which requires a hero and a challenge, how the hero will overcome the crisis and succeed.

In TAT a candidate will be asked to write a story from his own based on the images shown. A candidate shouldn’t just use his memory blocks and start preparing a story, he/she needs to see that every third or fourth line there is different meanings are coming, try interpretation and analyze those meaning as third person because that meaning shows candidate’s state of mind.

Word Association Test WAT: To simply put this test observe candidates imagination and evaluate his/her qualities of individual ideas. In this test candidate will be shown a word and he/she is required to form a meaningful sentence using that word. On seeing a word there might be different ideas in candidate’s mind related to that word but he/must must write the first spontaneous reaction in your answer sheet.

Situation Reaction Test (SRT): Situation Reaction Test (SRT) is another test at Service Selection Boards in Psychologist series, this is test of candidate’s common sense, he/she will be given some situations that occur in daily life and their answer will help the Psychologist to judge candidate’s mentality.

  • Candidate’s will be given a booklet containing 60 situations which he/she has to answer in 30 minutes, this time limit has been intentionally shortened as to ensure that the candidate gives the first reaction which comes to his mind without thinking much over it.
  • The answer to the SRT will therefore reflect the aspirant’s power of understanding, practical ability, initiative, temperament, imagination, resoluteness, social behaviour, consistency, stability under stress in varying conditions.
  • The psychologist is mainly interested to observe, whether the aspirant reveals a co-operative attitude or a negative or obstructive behaviour, whether he places the group before self-interest.
  • Carefully ensure that choices are and the answer reveals candidate’s attitude.

Self-Description Test (SD): SD is the last test in Psychologist test series at Service Selection Boards. It may be the last test but as important as the first one, this test con s the finding of Psychologist about a particular candidate which he makes by the previous tests like TAT, WAT and SRT.

DAY 3 and 4 SSB Interview Group Task (GTO)

GTO Tasks is the second set of tasks which is conducted after the psychological tests.

The GTO Tasks are designed to test the sociability speaking skills of a candidate. An officer has to perform his duties along with his colleagues

Domains of GTO:

  1. Group discussion: In GD, there is usually two rounds of discussion. In the first round, the GTO announces three sets of topics and the candidates can select any one from among them. This test is designed to check the general speaking skills of a candidate.
  2. Group lecture: The candidates are made to sit in a circle and every candidate is given a topic and he/she has to speak on it. The time allotted is three minutes.
  3. Progressive Group Task PGT: PGT is about set of obstacles in ground in a specified area in that team members should cross each obstacle defined by set of rules. To cross those obstacles, some helping materials are given by the G.T.O. i.e. Balli (wooden log), Plank, and rope to tie these. The difficulty of the task increases from one obstacle to another in a progressive manner. So it is named as Progressive Group Task.
  4. Half Group Task H.G.T: HGT is similar to PGT, but the difference is that the group is divided into two sets. Like this the GTO will see the performance of the candidates in close. The rules are same for this like PGT.
  5. Command Task (CT): The aim of this task is to find the commanding capability of the candidate. The candidates are allowed to choose two members from the group. The candidate should have to cross an obstacle with the allotted men and the resources available within allotted time.
Personal Interview in the SSB Interview is the most important assessment. This is because it gives you a chance to interact and present your personality in front of an officer. The interview can increase your chance of getting selected. The officer taking an interview is a high-rank officer and his opinion in your selection matters a lot. Given below are things you must know about the personal interview.
  1. The interview is a one on one talk with an officer of the board. The length of the interview may lie between 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. The length of the interview doesn’t determine your selection criteria, however, the quality of the interview does.
  3. The PI is not a test to check you GK, subject knowledge or anything else. It is just a way to check your honesty, awareness about yourself and surroundings.
  4. You are expected to be dressed in decent clothes. This doesn’t mean that you wear a three piece suit. Wear simple formal/semi-formal attire. However, if you called for interview directly after GT, you can proceed in your GT dress.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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