15 Time Management Hacks For Defence Aspirants

Hello, Warriors! Being in the armed forces is a great matter of pride- both for you and the society you live in. Once a boy/girl...


Hello, Warriors! Being in the armed forces is a great matter of pride- both for you and the society you live in. Once a boy/girl transforms into an officer, they become responsible for their fellow under commands. They listen to what the officer says, they follow what you do. Being an officer is not that simple. It isn’t that hard either! Even the mightiest monuments and skyscrapers are made brick by brick. Being consistent and steady works! While most of the defence aspirants are in the age group of 18-25, here are some confessions about time management that now successful people want to tell to their twenties helping the present generation not to have any regrets later in life:

  1. Know your goals, and organize them by their value and priority. Complete most important tasks first.
  2. Respect your time and make it respected. Set your priorities and start the day.
  3. Learn to say “no”. Say no to anything that bothers you. Say “later” to things that don’t make up for you today and run after it again tomorrow.
  4. Devote your entire focus to whatever you’re doing right now. Find a quiet place to work, or listen to some music. (I enjoy listening to slow and calm music while writing or studying sometimes).
  5. Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt to it. Start with short tasks and switch to major one.
  6. Set a value on your time. If you think of each second as a single rupee, you can really value the time around you and you could make the most of it.
  7. Utilize weekends, just a little bit. Don’t waste your holiday by working or studying unless you were doing it for the whole week.
  8. Nothing’s perfect. Just get it done. No one is a perfectionist. Your best in that moment is totally okay.
  9. Get it done in half the time you think you need. If you need 2 hours for preparing your formulae, set a time limit of 1 hour. You’ll end up completing it within the deadline.
  10. It’s never too late to start over. If you weren’t happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don’t stay stuck. Do better.
  11. Turn big goals into small daily tasks. Remember that bricks make a skyscraper?
  12. Enjoyment should always be the goal. There’s no point of doing it if you don’t enjoy it. Work can be play and that makes you different from a machine.
  13. Make a list at the end of each workday that you need to do the first thing tomorrow. Wind up everything at the end of the day and get at least half an hour of “me” time.
  14. And, of course, sleep a LOT! No Compromises with this!
  15. Surround yourself with inspiration and keep visiting ssbcrackexams.com for the same ?

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