Tips on Preparation for AFCAT and EKT 1 2017

Indian Air Force is aiming to become the premier Air Force of the world. IAF has made it clear that it is going to focus...

Indian Air Force is aiming to become the premier Air Force of the world. IAF has made it clear that it is going to focus on its complete modernization and indigenous sufficiency and to make it happen one of its perquisites is finding potential youth who can dedicate themselves on the line-of-progress. If you looking for life of adventure, healthy career, respectful social status, values and honor then Indian Armed Forces are your answer and one of its best parts or rather say its Air Arm is Indian Air Force.

In this article we will discuss about How to Prepare for AFCAT and EKT 1 2017. The AFCAT will be of two hours duration and will contain multiple choice questions on verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning general awareness and military aptitude. AFCAT 2 2016 Question Paper will have 100 questions. All questions will be of three marks each for every correct answer you will get three marks and for every wrong answer one mark will be deducted under negative marking.

EKT tests the basic knowledge of candidates applying for Aeronautical Engineering Courses. EKT is grounded at pre final year knowledge level. EKT has two parts namely

Part-A : General Engineering (40 questions)

Part-B : Specialised Paper (35 questions)

Tips on Preparation for AFCAT and EKT 1 2017

Tips on Preparation for AFCAT and EKT 1 2017

  1. Always start will the easiest section, if you think you can do better in mathematics section, always start with mathematics, this will not only increase the efficiency but will also fetch you more marks in other sections because after solving your favorite section, you will feel more confident and perform better.
  2. Avoid attempting questions which you are not sure about, AFCAT has negative marking scheme so you will lose 3 marks if you attempt three question wrong. 3 marks here are equal to one correct question. So in short three wrong answers will make you lose one correct answer.
  3. Utilize the rough paper provided by IAF to solve your maths or spatial ability part. Even if you are sure about the answer, double check your answer by solving it on a rough paper.
  4. Spatial ability is also one of the easy sections in AFCAT exam, 80-90% candidates can get more marks in spatial ability and military aptitude sections of afcat exam. Only thing you need is to know what kind of questions you will face in spatial ability and mental ability sections of afcat exam. In we have prepared a best online coaching solution which will help you to know real questions you will face in afcat exam. To know more about it visit AFCAT online coaching.
  5. Last year many candidates did wrong marking on their OMR sheet due to which their OMR sheet was marked as invalid and wasn’t considered for AFCAT exams. So make sure you are thinking twice before filling any data or marking anything on OMR sheet. Nevertheless you will find the officials over there and you can clarify anything which is confusing.
  6. Start your afcat exam preparationg which different sources like AFCAT exam books, AFCAT classroom coaching or your could also join AFCAT exam online coaching. At least 1 month prior preparation is required to crack the afcat exam. But candidates who are confident about their potential can prepare for afcat exam in just a week and clear it with very good marks.
  7. Be on time, reach your afcat centre well before the time mentioned on your afcat exam admit card, there are many candidates who have missed their afcat exam just because they were late to the examination centre. Indian air force is very strict regarding this issue so make sure you know your afcat exam location well before the exam and reach there on time.
  8. As per the trend and afcat exam cut off, it is good to attempt atleast 50 questions correctly without any negative marking. 50 correct questions will fetch you 150 marks which is more than enough to crack afcat exam.
  9. Candidates who are applying for technical exams have to face EKT exam along with the afcat exam. If you fail in EKT exam though you have cleared the afcat exam, you won’t be eligible for technical branch in AFSB interview. Candidates who are only eligible for technical branch have to clear EKT exam along with afcat exam else they wont be able to clear for AFSB interview.
  10. To preapre best for EKT exam, refer to previous EKT question papers and books which has basic questions answers related to your respective branch. If suppose your want to prepare for Electrical and Electronics, you could refer to a good engineering book which covers the basic concepts of electrical and electrionics. Candidates can also enroll for our EKT Exam Online coaching.

AFCAT and EKT Online Coaching

Prepare with SSBCrackExams: Our AFCAT Exam + EKT preparation course is customized to fulfill the needs of today’s afcat exam aspirants, AFCAT online coaching would help you to understand the concepts of AFCAT exam paper and the high end reporting tool helps you analyze your current standards by comparing with other defense aspirants who are writing AFCAT exam along with you. So, before facing the actual afcat exam you could look at your preparations and act accordingly. Having said that, this course will focus more on the questions which likely to come so there is no or less scope of failure. A daily practice of 1 hour on this course can do wonders for you and will surely help you to put extra marks in your bag. To know more about this course you could visit AFCAT exam coaching online.

SSBCrack Exam AFCAT courses:

Practice as much as possible on Numerical and spatial ability; refer books or internet find AFCAT syllabus based questions to practice. Make notes of important point to avoid rework and future reference. There are few simple AFCAT exam numerical ability maths formulas you should keep on your finger tips to solves the mathematics question of AFCAT question paper. To know more in detail Click Here

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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