Tips to Prepare for CDS Exam English, Maths and General Knowledge Paper

CDS exam is a written test which has objective multiple choice type of questions. It is basically an Intelligence test as well as Personality test....

CDS exam is a written test which has objective multiple choice type of questions. It is basically an Intelligence test as well as Personality test. This test is designed for testing the candidate’s eligibility for joining the defense academies.

The candidates who want to join the Indian Military Academy, Air Force Academy and Naval Academy need to pass the following three papers:

This paper is designed for checking your knowledge in English Grammar and vocabulary as well as other necessary aspects. This paper is of 100 marks, contains 120 question and the duration of this paper is 2 hours.

General Knowledge:
This paper is of 100 marks and its duration is 2 hours. This paper contains question related to geography of India and world, civics and polity of India, which includes constitution acts and governance. Modern and ancient history of India. General science which contains basic questions related to physics, chemistry and biology. The aspirants should be aware of the current affairs at national and international levels.

Elementary Mathematics:
Elementary mathematics includes various fields. The applicants need to be well in calculations and giving quick answers to pass this paper. This paper contains 100 questions and is of 100 marks and time duration is 2 hours. Doing 100 questions of mathematics in 120 minutes is not easy, even though the questions are very basic in nature, one should have sufficient practice to do these questions quickly.

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Tips to Prepare for CDS Exam English, Maths and General Knowledge Paper

Tips to Prepare for CDS Exam English, Maths and General Knowledge Paper

  • English – English can be prepared by reading newspaper and going through the sample papers and previous year papers. Reading newspaper constantly will give you an idea of usage of correct words, tenses and other grammatical rules. Vocabulary is also brushed up using the newspaper. Constant reading habit will help you to predict the sequence of jumble sentences, editing and omission questions. Passage needs practice and observation. Try to be a constant reader to perform well in English.
  • General Studies – Use newspaper, periodicals and magazines to brush up your current affairs knowledge. The statement type questions need deep knowledge and accurate strike to answer the question. So, it is advised to go thoroughly through the topics. As far as the G.S. part is concerned, go through the respective books and cover all subjects. Emphasize on subjects in which you are best. Bring out the best performance in your best subjects to ensure your selection. Side by side prepare for other subjects also.
  • Mathematics – Mathematics is all about the written practice. The more you practice, the more you will get bold in your calculations. Use diverse sources to practice like special CDSE books, extra mathematics practice books and sample papers. Internet is also a very good source of managing mathematics material. Focus on the correctness and speed of calculations. Geometrical question and trigonometry are a bit tough. Try to have a deep focus on statement type questions, which seems the most difficult, but are very easy to solve.

The most crucial part of the preparation is to manage the time. Check the time as per your need and devote more time to the subject that seems to be tough. Simultaneously give sufficient time to other subjects in which you are perfect. Whatever you do, do it with full concentration and mind. Make a blueprint of your timetable and follow it dedicatedly.


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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