10 Tips To Score High Marks In NDA Mathematics Exam

Every year lots of young defence aspirants dream to get through the NDA examination, and for that they work hard but still most of them...


Every year lots of young defence aspirants dream to get through the NDA examination, and for that they work hard but still most of them are puzzled that what strategy they should follow to ace good marks in the Mathematics section of NDA examination, as Maths plays a very important role in the NDA exam. If you are also one of those, who is willing to work hard but needs just a strategy to prepare for NDA Maths exam then the following tips are going to help you for sure.

Most of the tips will be useful for other defence and competitive examinations also, so you can help yourself by following these for your preparations.

Tip 1: Do not fear from solving new questions.

There are many times, when students feel that they have prepared a topic well just by reading the Mathematics book or by watching lectures. But this is a wrong feeling or approach! Maths is a subject which cannot be learnt by reading or watching only, as it is the practical subject, so one should practice ‘n’ number of questions on the topic which he is preparing. Never get afraid of solving a new question, it will either make you realize where you need to put more efforts or it will sharpen you up more in the respective topic.

Tip 2: Try to focus more on concept building

First of all, let me tell you what exactly concept building is! Concept building in Maths is that you try to understand each and every topic from the basics to the advanced level, without directly jumping to the formulas’ cramming or sticking to the steps told in the book. You should go through each definition and formula, building up the connection between them, then going to examples and practice. Try to prove most of the results and theorems that come across. This will take some time, as concepts are not built up over night, but if you dedicate your time effectively in learning a topic with the concepts then you will be able to solve lots of new questions also.

Tip 3: Practice different types of questions

It is believed that if you will leave Maths, Maths will leave you. Which means you should in regular practice with Maths. Even if you are not able to spend a lot of time on it someday, but make sure you are solving a few quizzes at least, or you are just solving 5-10 questions at least. Many people say to practice for Maths, but how to practice is more useful!! You should revise the concepts of a topic, and then practice the different types of questions from it till the time you feel confident about picking up the new question. Picking up different types of questions will automatically build up your confidence in the topic.

Tip 4: Solve a greater number of Mock Tests

While appearing in NDA Examination, time management plays an important role. And if you are a first timer for the NDA examination, then there is high chance that you will end up wasting your time over a few questions in the exam, thus feeling nervous and performing lower than your capabilities. This can be easily coped up by going through a similar situation before, so you should attempt the Mock Tests. That will give you real time exam experience and you will be able to practice the tests on time-based pattern. You can find a lot of Mock Tests on SSBCrackExams also.

Tip 5: Do not waste time searching for a ‘good book’

Many students ask me about the best book to prepare for NDA exam and in search of this ‘good book’ they visit various sources, finally wasting a lot of time. So, I would like to tell you that all the books of 11th and 12th standard are good for you, its just that you should not engage yourself in the types of questions which are not usually asked in NDA exam, so you should first prepare the syllabus topic-wise, and then for the practice you can choose any book, but focus on the types of questions from your respective examination.

Tip 6: Analyze the paper pattern from the previous year’s examinations

This is one of the most important things that a student preparing for any defence examination should follow. The topic names and syllabus is very well known by everyone, but the more important part is to understand the level of questions that can be asked from a particular topic. And this can be best done by solving previous years papers and analyzing the types of questions that are asked to you. You can also treat previous years question papers as your mock tests, set a timer for 150 minutes, and solve a previous year paper in this time only. This practice can show you magical results during your examination.

Tip 7: Try to figure out the ‘Bouncer’ questions during your examination

In your NDA Examination, the marks that you need to clear Maths section are not high, but still many students fail in the paper, why? That is because they are not able to identify the bouncer questions. The questions involving more time to think the concept used in it, then taking time in solving it, and still having difficulties, are the bouncers. You have to be safe from those, if you skip those questions in time then you will surely clear the exam. Now how to identify those, see there are a few questions, which do not lead any conclusive answer or even a way toward the answer even after 2 minutes, leave them! In your exam, spending 2 minutes over a single question and still not getting any conclusion in itself is a big cost. Save yourself from such questions.

Note: Not every question is the examination has to be solved, you should be smart enough to choose the questions wisely before attempting them. Beware of Bouncers!!!

Tip 8: Be consistent and do not get bored of the routine

Thinking to prepare for defence examination is in itself very motivating. When we begin a certain motivating journey, we are full enthusiastic and hardworking, but due to human tendency, we tend to lose interest after some time. That is where most of the aspirants get out of the race. You should be extremely strict with yourself in following the consistency and the routine for the studies. All successful people have one thing in common, and that is the consistent hard work.

Tip 9: ‘Concept to Questions’ Approach

This ‘concept to questions’ approach should be followed when you have started your preparations and you still have at least 2.5 to 3 months left for your examination. Then, you should first focus on building your concepts, following the syllabus. Once you have covered your entire syllabus by performing the quizzes and questions for practice, then you go to attempt the Mock Tests and Previous year question papers. This approach is stronger to clear the exam, but you should have some time on your side to follow this.

Tip 10: ‘Question to Concepts’ Approach

The ‘question to concepts’ approach will be very efficient for the students who have thoroughly gone through their 11th-12th syllabus or the ones who are repeaters in the NDA examination. In this, you should start by the previous years papers, try to solve them as mock tests, and then the question in which you are stuck, or the question you did wrong, go to revise that particular topic from which that question belongs to. Like this, you will be able to identify your weak sections/chapters, and you will be just revising the concept of those only. Try this approach, you will realize how helpful it will be.

So, these are the 10 strategic tips that everyone appearing for defence examination, specially NDA examination, should follow. After honestly making the use of above tips in your Maths practice, you will realize the real strength of these. This I am claiming from my real time experience of preparing the Maths examination. To know more such tips and tricks, and the concepts of the detailed syllabus of NDA Examination, checkout our online courses at SSBCrackExams.

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Picture of Himani


Senior lecturer, SSBCrackExams, an enthusiastic teacher from 'Pure Mathematics' background, Postgraduate from YMCA University in Mathematics, completed B.Sc. in Mathematics Honours from Delhi University, with 7+years of teaching experience in teaching mathematics of varied Defence and other competitive examinations.

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