UPSC Declared NDA 1 2015 Result

UPSC Declared NDA 1 2015 Result, On the basis of the result of the written part of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination...

UPSC Declared NDA 1 2015 Result

UPSC Declared NDA 1 2015 Result, On the basis of the result of the written part of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) 2015 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 19th April 2015, candidates with the under mentioned Roll Nos. have qualified for Interview by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for Admission to Army, Navy and Air Force Wings of the National Defence Academy for the 135th Course and for the 97th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from 2nd January, 2016.

The candidature of all the candidates, whose Roll Nos. are shown in the list, is provisional. In accordance with the conditions of their admission to the examination, “candidates are required to submit original certificates of Age and Educational Qualification to respective Service Selection Boards (SSBs) during the SSB interview.” The candidates must not send the Original Certificates to the Union Public Service Commission. For any further information, the candidates may contact Facilitation Counter near Gate C of the Commission, either in person or on telephone numbers 011-23385271/011-23381125 / 011-23098543 between 10:00 hrs and 17:00 hours on any working day. The result is also available at Union Public Service Commission Website .

The mark-sheets of the candidates, will be put on the Commission’s website within fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of the final result (after concluding SSB Interviews) and will remain available on the website for a period of sixty (60) days.

UPSC Declared NDA 1 2015 Result

How to Check NDA 1 2015 Result

  • Visit
  • Click on the link which says NDA and NDA (I) 2015 Written Test Result.
  • Save the NDA 1 2015 Result PDF file in your computer.
  • Open the NDA 1 2015 Result PDF doc and press Ctrl+F and enter your UPSC roll number.
  • If you find your roll number, that means you have cleared the NDA 1 2015 written test. Make sure you check for which service you have cleared the NDA exam. If you find your roll number of all the services, in that case, you will get the SSB interview call only once for the service you have selected as 1st.


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

4 thoughts on “UPSC Declared NDA 1 2015 Result”

  1. Nigerian Defense Academy(NDA) 2016/2017 Admission
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    how to clear NDA ……..
    i am now in 10th std in salem,tamil nadu.
    from now i am ready to prepare for NDA and SSB.
    by mentally and physically.
    say me what to do from now.
    i have 2 yrs to write NDA exam…
    tell me…wch books have u learn.did u go to any coaching class.
    pls help me ARMY is my only AIM and i need to ARCHIVE IT.
    [email protected]

  3. Hi Arnab, congratulations on your success. The SSB interview for NDA 135 course will start within one month after the declaration of the NDA 1 2015 result of written test.


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