What Are 14 Dental Points?

The candidates should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present,...

The candidates should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22. A candidate should not be suffering form severe pyorrhea.

Medical test (Dental Points) is conducted by SSB medical board for recommended candidates after SSB interviews, it is a very crucial part of the selection procedure, generally, in each batch, the medically unfit rate goes up to 45% – 55 %. Candidate can be declared unfit medically for one or various health issues. Aspirants must go for proper body check-ups before proceeding towards interviews, also a regular monthly check is mandatory.  14 dental points are one of the must-have things during medicals, let’s talk more about it. 

What are 14 Dental Points

types of teeth

Something about point system on teeth:

  • Teeth which are not considered necessary for efficient work are given with 1 point each.
  • Teeth assumed to be essential are allotted with 2 points each.
  • Each incisor, canine, 1st and 2nd premolars holds 1 point provided their corresponding lower teeth are present.
  • Each 1st and 2nd molar and well developed 3rd molar holds 2 points provided they are in good opposition to corresponding teeth in the lower jaw.
  • If 3rd molar is not well developed,  it holds only 1 point.

When we have all 16 teeth intact in the upper jaw with a good functional opposition to corresponding teeth present in the lower jaw, the total points can be 20 to 22 ( based on 3rd molars are well developed or not).

Conditions for 14 dental points:

  • When we have all 16 teeth intact in the upper jaw with a good functional opposition to corresponding teeth present in the lower jaw, the total points can be 20 to 22 ( based on 3rd molars are well developed or not).
  • Any 4 of the 6 anterior and any 6 of the 10 posteriors. When following teeth will be present in the upper jaw and in good functional opposition to corresponding teeth in the lower jaw.
  • Provided there are at least 14 dental points in the mouth, all these teeth must be sound and repairable. The minimum number of points required is to be medically fit are 14 points.


In very rare cases, aspirant may have less than 14 dental points, but few may have damaged teeth due to some accident or any other health issues. Though there are very rare cases of getting unfit due to less dental points, as said precaution is better than cure. It is advisable to go for proper oral cleanup before medical examinations.

To crack the SSB Interview, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.

Picture of Anuradha Dey

Anuradha Dey

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, M.A.(Psychology), M.A. English (Gold Medalist) from BHU; B.A. Hons from St. Xavier’s College (Kolkata). Poet, Writer & Translator. Certified Career Counselor. Knows Mandarin, German, English, Bengali & Hindi.

18 thoughts on “What Are 14 Dental Points?”

  1. Hii! My name is Tarason phonglo and I’m from Assam. My dental problems to be selection or not. I, absolutely my tooth 🦷is already damaged. So, I can select concerns

  2. Sir i have 4 upper artificial incisors. Besides this all other teeth are in very good condition.Can i get atleast 14 points for that?Or artificil front teeth would be a huge prob? pls ans politely i may not know u but harsh behave hurts no matter where it comes from.!!

    • No you should fu** off from here and look for others beggars job. NDA is for people who have physical strength, mentally powerd. So you should not apply for it because it cuts the seat of other aspirants.

    • Yes, but it can may cause severe pain in the roots of your gums. But it is very effective, i auggest you to perform this under the instructions of a certified dentist.
      Ok BABITA , Good luck for your Defence Carrier.

  3. Sir , actually my one incisor of last left is completely come out at the age of 13 and until i not got o hospital to fixed a new teeth . Tell me that should i plant a new teeth or not . For airforce medical…..


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