What is NDA (National Defence Academy)

What is NDA? The National Defence Academy (NDA) is the joint services academy of the Indian Armed Forces, where cadets of the three services, the...

What is NDA (National Defence Academy)

What is NDA?

  • The National Defence Academy (NDA) is the joint services academy of the Indian Armed Forces, where cadets of the three services, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force train together before they go on to respective service academy for further pre-commission training.
  • Location: Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharashtra.
  • It is the first tri-service academy in the world.

Insignia and Motto of NDA

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  • The motto has been inspired and extracted from the Bhagavat Gita: Karmanevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana

(Your duty is action with no eye on the fruits it will bring)

  • In the fifties it was decided to do away with an English motto and have a corresponding Sanskrit version, keeping in line with the Indian culture. So ‘Service Before Self‘ was translated as ‘Seva Parmo Dharm‘.

Mission of NDA

Provide highest standards of focused training in the professional, intellectual, physical and leadership spheres as also moral and ethical grooming to cadets using innovative cadets, technologies, corporate and modern practices with a view to providing the Armed Forces, competent potential junior leaders with high standard of integrity, equipped to function in battlefield of the future and capable of leading troops to victory.

What is INA?

  • Initial Officer Training Academy of Indian Navy
  • Location: Ezhimala, Kannur, Kerala
  • INA conducts basic training for all officers inducted into the Indian Navy and Indian Coast Guard.
  • INA is the largest Naval Academy in Asia.
  • Inaugurated on 8th January 2009

Insignia and Motto of NA

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Vidyayaa Amrutam Ashnute” “विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते

(Translation: Be Immortal Through Knowledge)

MOTTO IN ENGLISH: “Shaping Future Naval Leadership…

Mission of INA

To develop the trainees morally, mentally, physically and to imbibe in them the high ideals of loyalty, valour and patriotism in order to provide the service with officers who are dedicated to a career of Naval Service and have potential for future development to assume the highest responsibility of leadership.

The NDA/NA Entrance Examination

  • This Entrance Examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in “offline” mode twice a year for aspirants of 16½ to 19½ years who have completed or are in the final year of their 10+2 (or equivalent) class.
  • 4 lakh aspirants write this exam every year competing for approximately 420 vacancies in both the academies.

Why Should You Join?

You can assure yourself many reasons such as:

  • The pride of the uniform and deemed respect
  • Power of Commanding and Solving Strategic Problems
  • Living an Adventurous Healthy Life
  • Acquiring Great Team of Leaders for Life
  • Passion about Aircrafts, Submarines, Battle Tanks, etc.
  • And many more…
Picture of Hemanth Kasturi

Hemanth Kasturi

General Studies Tutor at SSBCrackExams, Graduate in Aeronautical Engineering, Cleared NDA, CDS, INET, AFCAT exams.

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