What is Officer’s Intelligence Rating Test (OIR Test) in SSB Interview?

Candidates for the SSB interview must take the screening test on day 1, which consists of two rounds: the OIR test and the PPDT (picture...

Candidates for the SSB interview must take the screening test on day 1, which consists of two rounds: the OIR test and the PPDT (picture perception and description test). The results of the two tests are used to determine a candidate’s merit. We may say that the Officer Intelligence Rating Examination (OIR) is the first test given during the SSB interview.

The OIR assessment is a written exam with 60 questions that test the candidates’ common sense through easy linguistic, logical, analytical, and mathematical problems. Here are some ideas to help you prepare more effectively for the OIR Test in your upcoming SSB.

What is OIR?

  • On day 1 of the SSB interview candidates must face the screening test. Two rounds are conducted under this:
    1. OIR Test
    2. PPDT (Picture Perception & Description Test).
  • Merit is created based on the candidate’s performance in both tests.
  • The first test conducted in the SSB interview is Officer Intelligence Rating Test. OIR test is a written exam consisting of approximately 45-50 questions consisting of simple linguistic, reasoning, logical, analytical, aptitude, and mathematical questions to test the common sense of the candidates.

Key Points of OIR

  • The questions asked are comparatively easy when you compare them against other competitive exams such as Banking and SSC, but the major factor here is time management.
  • There is no negative marking for both tests that are conducted in this phase.
  • In addition to this, taking a watch is not permitted inside the testing area.

Syllabus of OIR

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OIR Sample Question & Answers:

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Many aspirants who want to join the Indian armed forces as officers asked for the OIR Test Online course to prepare for the SSB interview screening test that happens in State-1. Officers Intelligence Rating Test – OIR Test Online Course has been released by SSBCrackExams. It has full lectures, study notes, questions and answers, and even mock tests. To pass the OIR test at the SSB Interview, you only need to look over these lectures and questions. This is the first part of the SSB Procedure in which a candidate’s intelligence is tested.

The Assessors will rate each candidate based on their performance on the Officer Intelligence Rating OIR test, and this rating may even have an impact on your chances of being recommended even if you pass the screening. Anyone with average intelligence should have no trouble finishing this test in the allotted time because it is so simple.

There is no need to worry if you are unable to complete or perform well on the Officer Intelligence Rating OIR Test because if you do well on the PPDT, you still have a chance of being recommended.

Picture of Drishti Goel

Drishti Goel

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, BSc.(H) in Mathematics from Delhi University, worked as a subject matter expert at K-12 level, also cleared JEE mains in 2017, having 3+ years of teaching experience.

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