SSB interview or service selection board interview is a recruitment process under which a candidate skills are tested intellectually, physically, psychologically and through group activities. . There are three major ways of testing candidates as per SSBs perquisite standards:
- Physiological test
- Interview test
- Group test
All these tests are conducted in the five day duration of the SSB Interview Process and at the day 5 i.e. the final day of the interview is called the Conference Day.
What is SSB Interview Conference Day Procedure

Conference in SSB interview happens on the 5th day of SSB testing, inconference, all the assessors of a particular board including the president and deputy president, meet each other to discuss and prepare the results of candidates on 5 days testing. There are few rumors and doubts among candidates regarding the conference, lets discuss them one by one.
The Board Conference is the final event of the five day testing process, during the board conference which is chaired by president, Dy president and all the assessors that is the GTOs, Psychologists and Interviewing Officers, who have assessed you will be in attendance. Each candidate is discussed in detail by the three assessors, who have examined his demonstrated performance through the specific technique independently to arrive at consensus on acceptability of each candidate. Detailed process of validation and counter validation is undertaken to arrive at final decision about the candidate. Candidates will be asked to appear individually before the board. You will be asked some question during the conference. Your answers during the conference are also important. The board makes final recommendation about the suitability of the candidate as well as final marks to be awarded to each candidate.
After all the candidates have appeared before the board and the result has been compiled, the Technical Officer of the board will announce the result. The candidates who fail to make the grade are seen off at the railway station. All those who are recommended by the board will stay on for the medical examination which may take one week.
The last or the 5th day is spent in the conference. In the continuation of the process of selection, the day begins with the closing address. Closing Address is generally given by Dy President of the board before the Board Conference. During the address officer will highlight the merits of selection system, explain the qualities that we in the Armed Forces are looking for in your personality and provide clarification to any doubts or question that may arise in your mind. This is also interactive forum for you to put forward any problem complaint or any suggestion that you may have experienced during your stay at SSB.
Recommended candidates appear before the medical board for carrying out their medical board after the SSB results. It takes 4 to 5 working days for the concerned Military Hospital to complete the medical board and after that the candidates are dispersed. NDA candidates are examined both for Army and Navy unless otherwise instructed and endorsement of fitness status will be made accordingly. President of the medical board will guide the candidates for Appeal/Review Medical Board procedures. Candidates may seek the advice of President Special Medical Board for review/appeal in case they have been declared unfit.
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which year entry?