What should be the format of your GPE in the SSB Interview

During the Service Selection Board interview, the applicants are given a group planning exercise under GTO. Applicants are expected to listen to one of the...

During the Service Selection Board interview, the applicants are given a group planning exercise under GTO. Applicants are expected to listen to one of the scenarios and then provide their thoughts on it during this task. To complete this challenge, candidates must keep several factors in mind. If you want to improve your Group Plan in Exercise performance, you must first learn the fundamentals and then prepare yourself accordingly.

What should be the format of your GPE

Candidates, you should be aware that the second task of the GTO battery is the Group Planning Exercise (GPE). In this test, you will be shown a Model that contains various problems. This test is conducted in five stages, which are as follows:

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GTO explains various model features only once. He will tell you about the model’s marks, direction, scale, and other features while lying on the ground.


GTO reads a story about the model. Laying on the ground, the story has certain problems in it, such as an injured person or any unsocial element missing poison in milk, and so on. At the end of the story, all doubts will be dispelled.


You will be given the story card to read for 5 minutes before it is collected from you; any doubts will be cleared at the end.


After receiving the story card, you will be given a sheet of paper on which you must write your individual solution in 10 minutes, after which the sheet will be returned to you.


In the final stage, the candidates must discuss their solution for approximately (10-15) minutes, create a group plan, and one of the candidates from the group will be selected to present the plan to the GTO using a map.

Also read: How Group Planning Exercise (GPE) Is Conducted In SSB Interview

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The Format of your GPE

There will be approximately five problems on the map. One will be serious, such as a man bleeding profusely or a person who is unconscious. Such a problem must be prioritized. Then there will be a problem that puts the lives of a large number of people at risk, such as a natural disaster; such problems are given second priority. There will be a problem in which an individual’s life is threatened, but such problems will be given third priority later on.

Finally, there will be a minor issues such as a life jacket/camera being lifted behind or cattle straying into the jungle, etc. Such a problem should be given the lowest priority, but DO NOT IGNORE IT. There will be no means of communication available. Aside from that, you must divide your group into smaller teams and use proper man management.

You must also specify the mode of transportation (always prefer to transport the injured by ambulance or your private vehicle only to the District Hospital). Your actions must be clearly communicated, and you must specify the time and distance traveled for each task. Normally, candidates struggle to calculate time and distance, so I’ve provided a method for you to easily calculate it.

GPE Model

If you are traveling by metal road on a 4-wheeler, your speed will be 60 km/hr; if you are traveling by 2 Wheeler, your speed will be 40 km/hr; in this manner, you can easily calculate time and distance.

Also read: What Is Group Planning Exercise And Tips To Do Well In GPE

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How to Create a GPE Solution

  1. You certainly can. Write however you want, but keep the following things in mind –
  2. Always state your top priority.
  3. The group’s division must be mentioned.
  4. Resources must be used prudently.
  5. Approach the appropriate authority and state the time and distance clearly.
  6. The meeting place must be the same as where you were divided.
  7. Continue on the journey that you were on.
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