10 Must Avoid Mistakes for CDS Exam Preparation

According to UPSC notification, CDS II 2016 written examination will be conducted on 23.10.2016 (Sunday). Candidates generally repeat or commit mistakes which are found common...

According to  UPSC notification, CDS II 2016 written examination will be conducted on 23.10.2016 (Sunday). Candidates generally repeat or commit mistakes which are found common among them and we are sharing top ten common mistakes that they must avoid in their exam preparation for upcoming CDS Exam.

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10 Must Avoid Mistakes for CDS Exam Preparation


1) Not sleeping enough, and not on a regular sleep schedule

If you are not taking sleep or rest on regular basis during exam days. There is good chances that you may napping, sleeping in on exam day. So during exam days always sleep on time at night, so that you can wake up on time. It will help you to be active on exam day.

2) Studied wrongly

Always prefer standard books. A little mistake can lower your chances of success in exam.

3) Not properly revised after a certain period of time

“Practice makes man perfect.” Revise what you have studied time to time.

4) Loosing confidence after seeing the questions paper

Don’t worry question paper is also hard for all others.

5) Your time management in exam was not so good as you thought

Do solve practice papers time to time with time management same as CDS Exam.

6) Forgot to carry admit card and/or photo identification proof

Candidates need to carry admit card along with at least one original (not photocopy or scanned copy), valid photo identification card.

7) Enter into wrong examination hall

Many of the times candidates misjudge the examination hall while checking their registration number from notice board. This may waste your precise time specially when you reach at the exam centre late.

8) Started solving lengthy questions first

Start solving question(s) which are easy and short. These questions will solve quickly and build a confidence in you. This confidence will in turn generate a positive thinking within you. Which will help you to solve more and more questions with good accuracy.

9) Misread the question

Some times candidates misread the question. So always read questions carefully. Specially numerical values given in the question.

10) Mistakenly select wrong answer in the answer options

Some times candidates mistakenly select wrong option in OMR sheet. Which will unnecessarily reduce their total marks in exam. So always read question and their options carefully and notice twice which options radio button you are going to select.


Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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