5 Myths You Must Not Believe as an IAF AFCAT Aspirant

AFCAT is an exam which can give you wings! For all of you who have the dream of working between the sprawling jets can turn...

AFCAT is an exam which can give you wings! For all of you who have the dream of working between the sprawling jets can turn this dream into reality through this exam. Air Force Common Admission Test is a written exam conducted by Indian Air Force twice every year to induct officers in the IAF. The written exam is followed by Air Force Selection Board Interview for shortlisted candidates.

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What are the options through AFCAT?

Through AFCAT you can apply for all the three branches of the IAF which are Flying Branch, Technical Branch and Ground Duty Branches. The eligibility criteria for different branches vary. Both men and women can apply for all the three branches. While for women there is short service commission only in all the three branches, for men there is Permanent as well as Short Service Commission for men. However for Flying Branch only Short Service Commission is there through AFCAT. Thus if you clear the written exam and then clear the AFSB also then you have a chance of joining the Air Force Academy.

5 Myths You Must Not Believe as an IAF AFCAT Aspirant

5 Myths You Must Not Believe as an IAF AFCAT Aspirant

  1. Working in Indian Air Force is like working in another government organization – Remember this is not the case. Although IAF is a government organization, the work is a little bit different from other Government Bodies. I have many friends in IAF and they tell me that it’s NOT the JOB, but the SERVICEtowards your country. So, if you have that passion towards your country, then only appear for this exam. Even if you are selected in this exam, you can be easily expelled during your SSB Interview.
  2. AFCAT is simple, focus on SSB – Although I completely agree that SSB weighs more and the intake is also less there, you cannot ignore the fact the clearing AFCAT is a must for at least appearing in SSB. I have seen many serious aspirants who prepare whole year for SSB but get failed in AFCAT or CDS.
  3. AFCAT is a rocket science – AFCAT is just another exam of your life. The toughest exam is our LIFE. So, appear for this paper just like any other paper.
  4. I am Hindi medium student, I cannot qualify – See this I agree that English medium people have an edge over this paper, but I have seen many aspirants who studied in Hindi medium – but were still able to crack this exam. What they had was seriousness and zeal. For Hindi Medium – If you can understand this article, you can crack the paper.
  5. I need 6 months or a year to prepare for it – This paper is not like UPSC Civil Services or CAT – where you have to spend this much time. Anyone can easily crack it in approximately 3 months along with studies or job. What requires is the command over syllabus, practice, and general awareness.
Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

7 thoughts on “5 Myths You Must Not Believe as an IAF AFCAT Aspirant”

  1. Cai I join IAF with 5.1 feet height plzz reply I am very depressed due to my height 😢 Can I apply for ground duty with 5.1 feet height


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