6 Most Important CDS 2 2017 GK Exam Problems

In this article we will see some CDSE important GK questions from previous years CDSE papers. 6 Most Important CDS 2 2017 GK Exam Problems...

In this article we will see some CDSE  important GK questions from previous years CDSE papers.


6 Most Important CDS 2 2017 GK Exam Problems


1. Consider the following statements:

1. First human like appearance was in Australopithecus

2. First known Homo species is Homo heidelbergensis

Which among the above statements is / are correct ?

[A]1 only

[B]2 only



2. At which of the following sites, largest variety of food grains in the Chalcolithic age has been found?





3. At which among the following sites the where first evidence of cultivation of cotton has been found?





4. Which among the following is the correct location of an ancient site Deh Morsai Ghundai?

[A]Northern Pakistan

[B]Eastern Persia

[C]Modern Turkey


5. Begram in Afghanistan was a capital of which of the following kings?



[C]Chandragupta Maurya


6. World’s first oil paintings have been found in which of the following countries?





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Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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