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60 Most Expected WAT Words With Sample Answers

WAT is the second test in the series of the psychology test in the SSB/AFSB. In this test the candidates are shown 60 words one after the other and are...

WAT is the second test in the series of the psychology test in the SSB/AFSB. In this test the candidates are shown 60 words one after the other and are expected to make a short sentence using the word shown. The usage of the word can be in any form. For example the word ‘agree’ can be used as agreeable, agreed, agreement etc.


Each word will appear for 15 seconds in which you have to see the word and write a sentence. There will be a buzzer to indicate that the word has been changed. It is important to attempt atleast 45 out of 60 words. Do not avoid negative words.

What to avoid?

1. Idioms and Phrases which lack your originality and thought.

2. Sentences that tend to preach. For example one should not fight, one should not drink.

3. Use of I. I love nature, i am friendly.

4 . Negative Sentences

What is preferred ?

1. Sentences that reflect your own beliefs and values.

2. Factual sentences on recent happenings.

3. Positive sentences

Motive of WAT

The idea behind this test is, if you are capable of appreciating the word and its meaning, then your projection of the word will also fall short of an acceptable level.

60 most expected WAT words :-

  1. ABLE – A good ability reveals a good quality.
  2. ABOVE – Respect for Parents is above all.
  3. ADMIRE – Admiring others for good deeds bring them closer to us.
  4. AFRAID – An officer is never afraid of a sudden attack.
  5. FEAR – The good people are not afraid of adversity.
  6. FEARFULNESS – Experience dispenses fearfulness.
  7. HINT – A hint is sufficient to solve a puzzle.
  8. ALOOF – Aloofness can be removed by company of friends.
  9. BLESSING – Parents blessings give encouragement for success
  10. LIFE – Life is meant to be enjoyed responsibly.
  11. LONELY – With friends one never feels lonely.
  12. FELLOW – The trust and understanding is the relationship between peers.
  13. GIVE – Good people give good habits.
  14. GO – India has risen to great heights in the it field.
  15. AGAIN – Practice time and again improves performance.
  16. SURE – Being sure of our abilities is important
  17. FEARFUL- Nothing is fearful to a brave heart.
  18. CONVERSATION – Misunderstanding can be resolved thorough conversation
  19. HONOUR – Serving the country is matter of honour.
  20. INSTRUCTIONS – Following instructions prevent accident
  21. BEGGAR – Social workers work for lifting beggars.
  22. CUP – Life is a cup of joy.
  23. EFFICIENCY – The stimulus that motivates people to improve performance.
  24. ELDER – It is the best source of inspiration.
  25. CURIOSITY – Curiosity adds to knowledge.
  26. HEIGHT – Hard work leads to greater heights in life.
  27. TEAM – Teamwork leads to success
  28. HELPLESS – Kind people help the helpless.
  29. ASSERT – Assertion based on knowledge is reasonable
  30. AGGRESSION – Aggressive behaviour sometimes helps in solving problems.
  31. ANXIOUS – A calm person never shows anxiety.
  32. FATIGUE – A motivated person never gets fatigued.
  33. BLUFF – Truthfulness overcomes a bluff.
  34. CHILDISH – Maturity overcomes childish behaviour.
  35. BOLD – An army soldier is bold.
  36. ARCHITECT – Architecture is the play of the imagination.
  37. CHOICE – Choosing a correct profession leads to happiness in life.
  38. CO-OPERATE – Team work is all about cooperating with each other.
  39. DISEASE – Hygiene prevents spread of disease.
  40. FRIEND – Company of friends gives immense joy.
  41. DOCTOR- Doctor is a god in human form.
  42. CAPABLE – continued efforts to increase capacity.
  43. ARGUMENT – Ideas promotes good reasonable argument.
  44. CO–EDUCATION – Co-education improves understanding between two sexes.
  45. CONFUSED – Determined persons never get confused.
  46. DEVELOP – Youth plays a crucial role in the development of the country.
  47. COLLEGE – College life improves the personality of a person.
  48. CRITICISM – Healthy criticism boosts the confidence of a person.
  49. DISCUSS – Discussion always carries new ideas.
  50. JEALOUS – Love overcomes jealousy.
  51. DISLIKE – A good student never dislikes books and novels.
  52. PROGRESS – Hard work leads to progress in life.
  53. SINCERITY – Sincere work is always appreciated.
  54. GET – Working hard is important to get success.
  55. UNITY- Unity is important for the progress of our nation.
  56. NERVOUS – Thorough preparations will prevent nervousness before examination.
  57. IMPROVEMENT – Self improvement leads to self development.
  58. CRITICIZED – Positive criticism improves performance.
  59. HOME – Learning begins at home.
  60. CROWD – A leader emerges from the crowd.

More WAT Words Practice Session: Enroll Now

I hope with these Examples you now how to frame good sentences as soon as the word comes.

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