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Tips and Tricks For AFCAT Exam Venn Diagram Type Questions

Venn Diagram based questions are quite common in AFCAT exam so to help AFCAT exam aspirants we are sharing, Tips and Tricks For AFCAT Exam Venn Diagram Type Questions. Tips...

Venn Diagram based questions are quite common in AFCAT exam so to help AFCAT exam aspirants we are sharing, Tips and Tricks For AFCAT Exam Venn Diagram Type Questions.

AFCAT Coaching

Tips and Tricks For AFCAT Exam Venn Diagram Type Questions


What is Venn diagram

This concept of Venn-Diagram was given by John Venn. In this diagrams (mostly circle/ellipse) are used to for  relationships between two or more entities.

The main work of these questions is to check or test the ability of candidate by giving relations between some items or a group in the form of diagram.

Tips for solving

  • If in the question asked all the entities are not related they will be shown using different circles.


  • If the entity A is related to entity B and entity B to entity C as shown in figure .


  • If A and B are depended to C but not to each other then Venn diagram is shown as figure.


  • If A and B are depended to C and also A and B are related, then Venn diagram is shown as figure.


  • If A and B are completely different from each other but are connected to some point but not completely to the C then its relation is shown in figure.


  • If all three entity A B and C are interconnected to each other but not completely then Venn diagram will be:


  • If A and B are completely interconnected to each other and C is totally different from two, then diagram is


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