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AFCAT CDS NDA Genreal Ability MCQs Based on Books and Authors

General knowledge Questions is a very common topic as It is very important in AFCAT CDS NDA entrance exams. Applicants whether they are preparing for jobs exam or Defence entrance...

General knowledge Questions is a very common topic as It is very important in AFCAT CDS NDA entrance exams. Applicants whether they are preparing for jobs exam or Defence entrance exam , they must remember top GK questions and answers. In this article we are sharing few AFCAT CDS NDA Genreal Ability MCQs Based on Books and Authors.

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AFCAT CDS NDA Genreal Ability MCQs Based on Books and Authors

AFCAT CDS NDA Genreal Ability MCQs Based on Books and Authors

  • Who is the author of the book ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’?

A. Thomas Hardy
B. Emile Zola
C. George Orwell
D. Walter Scott

  • Which of the following books has been written by Vikram Seth?

A. My God Died Young
B. Islamic Bomb
C. Look Back in Anger
D. A Suitable Boy

  • Who has written the book ‘My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir’?

A. Anees Jung
B. Jagmohan
C. M.J.Akbar
D. Nissim Ezekiel

  • ‘A Voice for Freedom’ is a book written by

A. Corazon Aquino
B. Nayantara Sahgal
C. Aung San Suu Kyi
D. Benazir Bhutto

  • Who wrote ‘War and Peace’?

A. Leo Tolstoy
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Charles Dickens
D. Kipling

  • Which of the book was written by Graham Greene?

A. O’ Jerusalem
B. The Power and Glory
C. Crisis in India
D. Of Human Bondage

  • The famous book ‘Anandmath’ was authored by

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Bankim Chandra Chottapadhya
C. Sri Aurobindo
D. Rabindrnath Tagore

  • Who wrote the book ‘Reminiscences of the Nehru Age’?

A. C.D.Deshmukh
B. Dr. P.C.Alexander
C. M.O.Mathai
D. S.C.Rajagopalachari

  • Which of the following is a biography of the Lady Mountbatten?

A. Edwina Mountbatten – A Life of Her Own.
B. Edwina Mountbatten – Her relationship with Nehru
C. Mountbatten
D. Edwina Mountbattten

  • Who is the author of the book ‘My Experiments with Truth’?

A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Michael Anderson
C. Winston Churchill
D. Jarnes Morris

  • Who is the writer of ‘Swamy and Friends’?

A. Munshi Premchand
B. Raman
C. Max Muller
D. R. K. Narayan

  • ‘The Naked Face’, a very popular book is written by

A. Dominique Lapierre
B. Larry Collins
C. Sidney Sheldon
D. Juan Benet

  • A Secular Agenda’ is a book written by

A. Arun Shourie
B. Mani Shankar Aiyar
C. Prem Shankar Jha
D. M.J. Akbar

  • The book named ‘Three Decades in Parliament’ is a collection of the speeches of

A. A. B. Vajpayee
B. Somnath Chatterjee
C. L. K. Advani
D. N. G. Ranga

  • The famous character ‘Pickwick’ was created by

A. Steven Spielberg
B. Leo Tolstoy
C. Walt Disney
D. Charles dickens

  • The creator of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ was

A. Arthur Conan Doyle
B. Ian Fleming
C. Dr.Watson
D. Shakespeare

  • Who is the author of book ‘We Indians’?

A. Nirad C. Choudry
B. Subramaniya Swamy
C. Khushwant Singh
D. Muluk Raj Anand

  • ‘India of our Dreams’ is a book written by

A. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
B. Dr. C. Subramanian
C. M.V. Kamath
D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

  • Who is the author of the book – ‘Preparing for the Twenty – First Century’?

A. Larry Collins
B. V.S. Naipul
C. V.R. Krishna Iyer
D. Paul Kennedy

  • Who is the author of famous book ‘The Judgement’?

A. Anthony Mascarenhasa
B. R. Vankataraman
C. Kuldip Nayar
D. Janardhan Turkur

  • Who is the author of the book ‘No Full Stops in India’?

A. Raj Mohan Gandhi
B. Shyam lal
C. E.M. Forster
D. Mark Tully

  • Who has written the book ‘Kashmir – Behind the Vale’?

A. L. Ramdas
B. Lt. Gen. Dipendra Singh
C. M. J. Akbar
D. Lt. Gen. S. C. Sardeshpande

  • ‘Eight Lives’ is a book written by

A. Raja Ramana
B. Savita Ambedkar
C. Mahesh Yogi
D. Raj Mohan Gandhi

  • Who is the author of the book ‘Freedom Behind Bars’?

A. Kiran Bedi
B. Jawaharlal Nahru
C. Sheikh Abdullah
D. Nelson Mandela

  • The book ‘A Farewell to Arms’ was written by

A. Charles Dickens
B. Ernest Hemingway
C. Thomas Hardy
D. Huxley

  • Who has won the Gyan Peeth Award for her book ‘Yama’?

A. Maheswari Devi
B. Asha Poorna Devi
C. Amrita Preetam
D. Mahadevi Verma

  • . Who is the author of the novel ‘Les Miserable’?

A. Victor Hugo
B. ALium tofler
C. G.Wynne
D. Fedric

  • The original name of ‘Mahabharata’ is

A. Katha Saritsagar
B. Jai Samhita
C. Vrahat Katha
D. Rajatarangini

  • Who has written the famous book ‘Mankind and Mother Earth’?

A. Arnold Toynbee
B. Leo Tolstoy
C. John Ruskin
D. Bertrand Russel

  • Who is the author of the book ‘Naked Triangle’?

A. R.K.Narayan
B. Amrita Pritam
C. Balwant Gargi
D. Khushwant Singh

  • The controversial documentary ‘Hell’s Angel’ broadcasted by Channel 4 on Independent British Television Station is based on who among the following?

A. Joseph Stalin
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Mother Teresa
D. Saddam Hussein

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