AFCAT 2 2016 Flying Branch, GDOC, Technical Cut Off

AFCAT 2 2016 was conducted successfully in the second sem of year 2016 by IAF all over the country on different exam ceneters. Around 1...

AFCAT 1 2016 Cut off [Expected]

AFCAT 2 2016 was conducted successfully in the second sem of year 2016 by IAF all over the country on different exam ceneters. Around 1 00 000 students have attempted the exam this time. Recently IAF has released its AFCAT entry result. Candidate selection through AFCAT is based on the AFCAT cut off marks merit list which is made as per the result of the candidates appeared for AFCAT all over the country. Since cut-off depends on many factors like number of students, difficulty level of paper etc. and it is decided by IAF. Those candidates whose marks are above the cut-off are said to have qualified the exam.

AFCAT 2 2016 Flying Branch, GDOC, Technical Cut Off

AFCAT 2 2016 Flying Branch, GDOC, Technical Cut Off


As per Indian air force based on the induction requirements of the IAF, performance of candidates in AFCAT as well as statistics of reporting and success rates at AFSBs, the cut off marks for AFCAT 1/ 2015 held on 22 Feb 15 is 126/ 300 for AFCAT and 55/ 150 for EKT. AFCAT 1 2016 and EKT 1 2016 Cut Off marks was 132/150 and 52/150 .

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Flying Branch Cut Off Marks

Graduates (Minimum three year degree course) in any discipline from a recognised University who have attained minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and have passed Maths and Physics at 10+2 level OR BE / B Tech degree (Four year course) from a recognised University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together.

Technical Branch Cut Off Marks

All candidates applying for technical branch should have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects listed below in their qualifying

 Ground Duty Branches Cut Off Marks

  • Administration & Logistics: Graduate Degree (Minimum three year degree course) in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate of all papers put together or a Post Graduate Degree / equivalent Diploma in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together.
  • Accounts: Graduate Degree in Commerce (B Com)(Minimum three year degree course) with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate of all papers put together or Post Graduate Degree in Commerce (MCom) / CA/ ICWA with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together.
  • Education: Post Graduate Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together.

Previous Year Cut Off Marks of AFCAT Exam

AFCAT 2 2016 Cut Off Marks [Official]

Exam Year

Cut Off Marks

AFCAT 1 2011


AFCAT 2 2011


AFCAT 1 2012


AFCAT 2 2012


AFCAT 1 2013


AFCAT 2 2013


AFCAT 1 2014


AFCAT 2 2014


AFCAT 1 2015


AFCAT 2 2015


AFCAT 1 2016


AFCAT 2 2016


AFCAT 2 2016 cut off marks dependency on pattern

AFCAT 2 2016 cut off marks are going to depend on every section of the paper and there possibility that almost equal weightage will be allotted to each one of them.

1. General awareness questions were as usual based on politics, civics, current affair, defence and social history. Questions asked were easy since the pattern was same candidates were less surprised at new questions.

2. Verbal Ability in English: This sections has comprehension passage was small and easy to understand apart from that select appropriate word, synonyms and antonyms asked were very trivial as per AFCAT standards. Idioms and correct enunciation related questions were of average quality whereas questions related to phrases definition were a bit challenging.

3. Numerical ability questions didn’t presented any new challenges candidates who have solved previous papers will know most of the questions were based on the concept of speed-distance, proportions and percentage.

4. Reasoning and aptitude questions did stand to their standard, to solve questions of this sections a candidates needs to prepare well in advance.

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

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