AFCAT 1 2021 result was published on 09 March 2021. Many candidates who cleared the AFCAT 1 2021 cut off marks are now able to select their AFSB interview date and venue. According to the official statement “The seat selection for choosing the AFSB center and date will open from 1100 hrs on 13 Mar 21 till 2330 hrs on 16 Mar 21. Any candidate who fails to choose during this period would be automatically given place and date of SSB by the system.“
How to Select AFCAT SSB Interview date and Venue
1. Go to the official CDAC website and login in AFCAT 1 2021 cycle using candidates login.

2. Click on Choose AFCAT exam and Center Selection. You can see the available options for AFSB venue and available dates.

3. After filling in all the details, you will be able to download the AFSB call letter, notification form and COVID-19 undertaking for the AFCAT 1 2021 SSB interview.

4. This is how the AFCAT AFSB Interview call up letter looks like, read all the instructions carefully and follow the same.

This Call Letter along with your Admit Card (Not applicable for NCC direct entry candidates)would be the authority for you to report to the nominated Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) for Testing. The same is to be handed over to the Board on arrival. You must report for the interview on the date,time andaddress as specified above. Late comers, on any account (inclusive of late running of trains/buses/airplane)will not be admitted for test. You would be required to show your Admit card (Not applicable for NCC/MET(asapplicable) direct entry candidates), Call letter and Identity proof (preferably AADHAR Card) at the reportingpoint. Kindly keep them handy. Your mobile phone (switched-off) should be securely kept in your luggage,which will be deposited at the AFSB. The first day consist of Phase I and II testing which lasts upto 2100 hrs.You are advised to take adequate rest and come prepared for a long day of testing. You would need to beattired appropriately in comfortable dress.
1 thought on “AFCAT 1 2021 SSB Interview Dates and Venue”
are afcat 1 2021 ssb to be held in dehradun in the month of may postponed?