AFCAT 1 2025 Exam Static GK Scientific Inventions

Scientific inventions have played a crucial role in shaping human civilization, contributing to advancements in technology, medicine, communication, and various other fields. In the AFCAT...

Scientific inventions have played a crucial role in shaping human civilization, contributing to advancements in technology, medicine, communication, and various other fields. In the AFCAT 1 2025 exam, questions on major scientific inventions and their inventors can be expected in the Static GK section. This article covers some of the most important scientific inventions, their inventors, and their significance.

AFCAT 1 2025 Exam Static GK Scientific Inventions

Important Scientific Inventions & Their Inventors

Printing PressJohannes Gutenberg1440Revolutionized book production and knowledge sharing
TelescopeGalileo Galilei1609Allowed observation of celestial bodies and space study
MicroscopeZacharias Janssen1590Enabled the study of microorganisms and medical advancements
Steam EngineJames Watt1769Played a key role in the Industrial Revolution
Electric BulbThomas Edison1879Provided efficient artificial lighting and transformed daily life
TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell1876Revolutionized global communication
RadioGuglielmo Marconi1895Enabled wireless communication and broadcasting
AirplaneWright Brothers1903Pioneered modern aviation and air travel
X-RayWilhelm Roentgen1895Allowed internal imaging of the human body for medical use
PenicillinAlexander Fleming1928First antibiotic, revolutionized medicine and saved millions of lives
TelevisionJohn Logie Baird1927Changed entertainment and information dissemination
ComputerCharles Babbage (Concept), Alan Turing (Modern Computing)19th-20th CenturyLed to digital revolution and modern computing
InternetVint Cerf & Robert Kahn1970sTransformed global connectivity and information access
DNA Structure DiscoveryJames Watson & Francis Crick1953Advanced genetics and biotechnology
Nuclear ReactorEnrico Fermi1942Paved the way for nuclear energy production

Indian Scientific Inventions & Discoveries

India has made significant contributions to science and technology. Some notable Indian scientists and their inventions/discoveries include:

C.V. RamanRaman Effect (Scattering of Light)Physics
Jagadish Chandra BoseMicrowave Communication & Plant PhysiologyPhysics/Biology
Homi BhabhaIndian Nuclear ProgramNuclear Science
Srinivasa RamanujanContributions to Number TheoryMathematics
A.P.J. Abdul KalamMissile Technology & Aerospace InnovationsAerospace/Defense
Satyendra Nath BoseBose-Einstein Condensate TheoryPhysics
Vikram SarabhaiIndian Space Research AdvancementsSpace Science


Scientific inventions and discoveries have played a key role in the progress of humanity. For AFCAT 1 2025 aspirants, it is essential to have a strong grasp of major scientific breakthroughs, their inventors, and their significance. A thorough understanding of this topic will help in scoring well in the Static GK section of the exam.

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Divyanshu Pandey

Senior Lecturer General Studies, SSBCrackExams, Cleared CDS 4 times, NDA 2 times, Ex- N.C.C. cadet, SSB Expert. Passionate Teacher, Trained defence aspirants for their SSB Interview, BSc in PCM expertise in Geography, Indian Polity, Current Affairs and Defence affairs. Writing Article and Travelling solo.

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