CDS 2 2016 Exam Paper Pattern

The first thing that a CDS 2 2016 entry aspirant should do is to completely understand the CDS exam pattern. CDS exam is a written...

CDS 1 2016 Exam Paper Pattern

The first thing that a CDS 2 2016 entry aspirant should do is to completely understand the CDS exam pattern.  CDS exam is a written test which has objective multiple choice type of questions. It is basically an Intelligence test as well as Personality test. This test is designed for testing the candidate’s eligibility for joining the defense academies.

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CDS 2 2016 Exam Paper Pattern

CDS 2 2016 Exam Paper Pattern


The candidates who want to join the Indian Military Academy, Air Force Academy and Naval Academy need to pass the following three papers:

This paper is designed for checking your knowledge in English Grammar and vocabulary as well as other necessary aspects. This paper is of 100 marks, contains 120 question and the duration of this paper is 2 hours.

General Knowledge:
This paper is of 100 marks and its duration is 2 hours. This paper contains question related to geography of India and world, civics and polity of India, which includes constitution acts and governance. Modern and ancient history of India. General science which contains basic questions related to physics, chemistry and biology. The aspirants should be aware of the current affairs at national and international levels.

Elementary Mathematics:
Elementary mathematics includes various fields. The applicants need to be well in calculations and giving quick answers to pass this paper. This paper contains 100 questions and is of 100 marks and time duration is 2 hours. Doing 100 questions of mathematics in 120 minutes is not easy, even though the questions are very basic in nature, one should have sufficient practice to do these questions quickly.

CDS 2 2016 Exam Pattern for Officer’s Training Academy

English: The candidates must have good knowledge of English to pass this test. Maximum marks of this paper is 100 and the time duration is 2 hours.

General Knowledge: The applicants should be concerned about the current events and matters are of common observations. The all other necessary information should be known by them. This paper is of 200 marks and the time duration is 2 hours.

CDS Exam Pattern for OTA is enough to provide a precise idea to get good marks in the examination.

“Are girls eligible for this Exam?”- CDS Exam Pattern for Girls

Yes, girls can apply for this examination and they are similar to boys. There is no specific criterion for girls. They just need to get good marks to clear the cut off. Girls can only apply for OTA. These girl aspirants should be unmarried. The issue less widow and divorcee who have not re-married can apply for the vacancies.


The Union Public Service Commission will announce a list of qualified candidates to call them for interview.

The short listed aspirants will appear for SSB interview which test their intelligence and personality.

The qualified candidates will be called based on the merit list for joining the academy as per their performances.

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

1 thought on “CDS 2 2016 Exam Paper Pattern”

  1. Hello Sir ….Iam a BCA student ….and I want to make my study time table to qualify CDS exam …so please suggest me perfect time table so that I can click the exam.


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