UPSC has published the final merit list of candidates who have cleared the SSB interview for IMA, AFA and NA through CDS 1 2019. The list contains the names of candidates who were recommended in CDS 1 2019 SSB interview, the medical status of the candidates is not mentioned in this merit list. Candidates will be getting the joining instructions based on order of merit and medical status. The following are the lists, in order of merit of 129 (82+44+03) candidates who have qualified on the basis of the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2019 conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in February, 2019 and SSB interviews held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for admission to the 148th Course of Indian Military Academy, Dehradun; Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala and Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course i.e. No. 207 F (P) Course.
The number of vacancies, as intimated by the Government is 100 for Indian Military Academy [including 13 vacancies reserved for NCC ‘C’ certificates (Army Wing) holders], 45 for Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala Executive(General Service) [including 06 vacancies reserved for NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders (Naval Wing)] and 32 for Air Force Academy, Hyderabad.
The Commission had recommended 2726, 1609 and 643 as qualified in the written test for admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy respectively. The number of candidates finally qualified are those after SSB test conducted by Army Head Quarters.

These results will also be available on the UPSC website at However, marks of the candidates will be available on the website after completion of its complete process i.e. after declaration of final result of Officers’ Training Academy (OTA) for Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2019.
CDS 1 2019 Number of candidates recommended
Academy | Written Cleared | Recommended |
IMA | 2726 | 82 |
AFA | 643 | 03 |
NA | 1609 | 44 |