CDS 1 2021 Official Cut Off Marks – IMA OTA AFA INA

UPSC has published the official CDS 1 2021 cut-off marks for the written exam and total marks scored by the last recommended candidates. For the...

UPSC has published the official CDS 1 2021 cut-off marks for the written exam and total marks scored by the last recommended candidates.

For the first time in the last 5 years, OTA has crossed 100 plus marks and has been the highest cut-off in CDS 1 2021 whereas per the previous exams AFA was the highest. For OTA (men and women) has 107 marks i.e. 53.5%, AFA cut-off is 158 marks i.e. 52.66%, IMA has 145 marks i.e. 48.33%, INA has 136 marks i.e. 45.33%. The minimum qualifying marks in each subject is 20 marks i.e. 20%.

CDS 1 2021 Official Cut Off Marks

CDS 1 2021 cutoff final marks

Let us understand the marking system of CDS 1 2021 exam before we talk about the marks you need to score to clear the CDS Exam.

CDS 1 2021 Cut Off Marks [Official]

S.NoAcademyCut Off
1OTA (Women)107
2OTA (Men)107

For IMA AFA INA (Indian Military Academy, Air Force Academy, Indian Naval Academy)

SECTIONNo.of questionsMarks
1.   English        120100
2.   General Knowledge        120100
3.   Elementary Mathematics        100100
Total marks 300

For OTA (Officer Training Academy), there is no mathematics.

SECTIONNo. of questionsMarks
1.   English       120100
2.   General knowledge       120100
Total marks 200
CDS PaperEnglishGKMathematics
Maximum Marks100100100
Marks for Correct answer+0.83 marks for each correct option+0.83 marks for each correct option+1 marks for each correct option
Negative marking-0.27 marks for each wrong answer-0.27 marks for each wrong answer-0.33 marks for each wrong answer
SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
English 2 hrs100
General Knowledge2 hrs100
Elementary Mathematics2 hrs100
SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
English2 hrs100
General Knowledge2 hrs100

Also Read: How Many Aspirants Clear CDS Exam And SSB Interview

CDS Exam 2022 – 2023 Study Materials:

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