CDS 1 2024 Top 25 Important Words With Synonyms & Antonyms English Lecture Part 9

The Combined Defence Services (CDS) exam stands as a crucial milestone for individuals aspiring to serve in the esteemed armed forces. Within the English section...

The Combined Defence Services (CDS) exam stands as a crucial milestone for individuals aspiring to serve in the esteemed armed forces. Within the English section of the CDS exam, a solid grasp of essential words is paramount for success. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, presenting a curated list of important words frequently asked in the CDS exam, along with example sentences, synonyms, and antonyms, to aid candidates in their preparation.

Ø SANGUINE: Of a hopeful disposition

•Example: He is sanguine about prospects for the global economy.

•Synonyms: buoyant, ardent, optimistic, cheerful

•Antonyms: pessimistic, hopeless, gloomy, dubious

Ø SCINTILLA: A trace; a particle

•Example: The police didn’t find a scintilla of convincing evidence against him.

•Synonyms: iota, suspicion, speck, bit

•Antonyms: quantity, bushel, plenty, abundance

Ø SCOURGE: a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering; to whip someone severely as a punishment

•Example: The people scourged the thief severely.

                     The Black Plague was a dreadful scourge of the Middle Ages.

•Synonyms: excoriate, flay; tribulation, torment

•Antonyms: benefit, support, blessing, redeem, vindicate, luck

Ø SCRUTINIZE: To examine carefully

•Example: Customers were warned to scrutinize the small print.

•Synonyms: inspect, survey, scan, research

•Antonyms: skim, miss, glance, omit, neglect

Ø SIMPER: an affected or silly smile

•Example: He stood nervously, a simper on his face.

•Synonyms: smirk, titter, chortle, snigger

•Antonyms: cry, sob, groan, wail, frown, grimace, scowl

Ø SINISTER: Threatening or showing evil; dishonest

•Example: The police were scared by the sinister look of the gangster.

•Synonyms: evil, dark, ominous, wicked, adverse, corrupt, foreboding

•Antonyms: favourable, benign, promising, noble, virtuous

Ø SLEAZY: Flimsy and cheap

•Example: This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.

•Synonyms: unsubstantial, low, squalid, sordid, filthy, dilapidated

•Antonyms: puritanical, prudish, priggish, prim, reputable, expensive

Ø SLOVENLY: Untidy, messy

•Example: The principal severely criticized the student’s slovenly appearance.

•Synonyms: slipshod, careless, untidy, unkempt, dishevelled

•Antonyms: tidy, neat, careful, meticulous, painstaking

Ø SOPORIFIC: Tending to induce sleep

•Example: It was a poorly written novel, soporific in effect.

•Synonyms: sedative, tranquilizer, slumberous, balmy, somniferous, soothing

•Antonyms: stimulant, rousing, synergist, exciting

Ø SOVEREIGN: Supreme in power and authority; independent of the control of any other Government

•Example: The Emperor became the first Japanese sovereign to visit Britain.

•Synonyms: autonomous, imperial, majestic, paramount, monarch, efficacious

•Antonyms: ineffective, useless, minor, insignificant, weak, nugatory

For more words, check out Top 25 Most Important Words With Synonyms & Antonyms | Part 9 | CDS 1 2024 | UPSC

Strategies for Preparation:

  • Create flashcards or mnemonic devices to aid memorization.
  • Practice using the words in sentences to reinforce understanding.
  • Engage in regular reading and vocabulary-building exercises.
  • Utilize online resources and vocabulary lists specific to the CDS exam.
  • Review synonyms and antonyms to grasp the nuances of word meanings.


Mastering essential words is a key component of success in the English section of the CDS exam. By familiarizing themselves with the words presented in this article, along with their example sentences, synonyms, and antonyms, candidates can enhance their language skills and approach the exam with confidence. Through dedicated practice and strategic preparation, aspiring candidates can elevate their performance and embark on the path towards achieving success in the CDS exam and beyond.

Picture of Anuradha Dey

Anuradha Dey

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, M.A.(Psychology), M.A. English (Gold Medalist) from BHU; B.A. Hons from St. Xavier’s College (Kolkata). Poet, Writer & Translator. Certified Career Counselor. Knows Mandarin, German, English, Bengali & Hindi.

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